01-07-2025, 10:33 PM
(01-07-2025, 10:19 PM)chibill Wrote: Just a serious question, what is going to make this time different then the last magnitude of times you have applied, been accepted then eventually just decided you wanted to resign months later? Since this seems like a huge never ending cycle.I will go inactive/use an alt like other staff members if I feel like I do not want to staff/be staff. These were not spur of the moment decisions either when I resigned, every single resignation had a build up and a dialogue with either myself or others when I felt like resigning was the right thing to do. Sure, it can seem like a cycle from the outside looking in, it can look like I can't handle my shit but honestly I just felt like it was better to resign than be inactive and get caught up on the rules. Is it really a huge deal if the difference is a forum thread and like a minute or 2 of work removing my rank in the forums and discord while also informing dink?
A big part of why people go inactive is because it isn't all that fun to moderate at the expense of your own enjoyment, and this time going in with the approach of having fun first and foremost improved my mindset on wanting to staff for this community. I said this last time I think but also the community is different in both who is participating in it and how the community and staff approach certain situations, things will /literally/ be different for this tenure of staffing.