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Going for Red (Ryan Admin App)
(01-11-2025, 02:40 PM)chapman Wrote: Coming back to say that Ryan isn't afraid to hold people accountable for their incompetence and that's why he should be an admin.

With the other 3, you have the following:

TDawg: Inactive due to school (Reasonable, as school takes priority).
Chibill: Good with coding, not the best at communicating with people (Not a diss, just a truth)
Tiefling: Argued with Chibill on a public thread (which Ryan had to call her out for, and she finally shut up, but you will never see an apology for poor leadership displayed from her).

The "3 is a perfect amount" argument is not good here. That would only be appropriate if you had 3 people who worked as a cohesive unit, not a divided clique who argue on public threads.

Also, in the past, we have had 4 admins on TTT before (Battons, Bryan, Dong, Nicol is the most recent I believe), so there is no reason to deny that from happening again; unless of course, Ryan is deemed insufferable.
[Image: gBkzZod.png]

Messages In This Thread
Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by RyanHighman - 01-10-2025, 02:55 AM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by Damien - 01-10-2025, 03:07 AM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by chapman - 01-10-2025, 03:56 AM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by Dinomoto - 01-10-2025, 04:33 AM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by bunniey - 01-10-2025, 06:09 AM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by CrAcKbOnE - 01-10-2025, 08:21 AM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by Virunas - 01-11-2025, 02:45 PM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by Rox5tar01 - 01-10-2025, 06:10 AM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by CrAcKbOnE - 01-10-2025, 07:27 AM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by Virunas - 01-10-2025, 02:55 PM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by Icey - 01-10-2025, 03:11 PM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by Storm - 01-10-2025, 03:36 PM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by atlanta - 01-10-2025, 04:59 PM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by Dinomoto - 01-10-2025, 10:55 PM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by chapman - 01-11-2025, 02:40 PM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by tiefling lesbian - 01-11-2025, 04:04 PM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by bunniey - 01-11-2025, 04:17 PM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by bryanbrr - 01-11-2025, 06:02 PM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by Brahma - 01-11-2025, 07:33 PM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by J@CK XDDD - 01-12-2025, 01:11 AM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by ⚡Nash - 01-12-2025, 01:57 PM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by Ryan - 01-12-2025, 07:53 PM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by dong - 01-14-2025, 07:00 PM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by chibill - 01-16-2025, 03:46 PM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by GAMER - 01-16-2025, 12:17 PM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by dong - 01-16-2025, 07:06 PM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by Snow (3) - 01-16-2025, 08:49 PM
RE: Going for Red (Ryan Admin App) - by bo mingle - 01-18-2025, 03:36 PM

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