That's true I usually use a shotgun because small props are lil shiets but I also have been playing for a few years so my accuracy with the weapons are a little better then newbies (when I actually try) I just find more complaints about noobtubes lately from the launchers of the noobtubes because they get noobtubes so to nip it in the but make everyone earn-em lol but that may not entirely fix it either as some people play there server because they get access to their noobtubes right away but all in all I think it should be looked at for overall player enjoyment and possible boost in server traffic.
I find it more annoying when someone just walks into a room noobtubes it and kills you because splash damage is a whore on gmod lol
I find it more annoying when someone just walks into a room noobtubes it and kills you because splash damage is a whore on gmod lol