12-01-2017, 11:34 PM
Those screenshots only prove my point further. You guys gagged me anytime I tried talking over voice. I called you what you all were acting like. And secondly Rodri do you not realize how the staff had acted in the first place. Nothing that I did was to "Far" In any regards. I posted what had happened and explained in detail. And would gladly give the VOD proof after my stream is done and highlight key points. Much like soup is only showing the screenshots of the conversations to strengthen her point instead of showing how they reacted and how they didnt follow rules to begin with. Nothing I did was to far, and my post itself sounds nothing more then a normal person responding how they would when they were disrespected. I have been nothing but mature in this situation and tried to explain my side, instead the staff decides to react like children and not respond to any points given out. Outside of Soup who seems to actually handle the situation somewhat maturely. All Im putting out there is my side and how the mods handled it. Not justifying the cunts comment in the Admin chat. The reaction I gave was actually more tame then other people would react if they were treated like that. Im sorry but this has tainted my feeling towards this community. I wish there was more respect and Maturity.