04-30-2018, 08:08 PM
Ingame Name: Lurker
SteamID: STEAM_1:1:54550289
Who Banned You: Deadpoolz
Reason For Ban: Staff Dis, Trolling, Racism
Length of Ban: Forever (banned September 2017)
Reason for Mods to Unban:
Just want to play TTT again. There's no reason for me to be toxic anymore, shouldn't have happened the first time tbh.
Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): Yes, but it was very shortly before the permaban
I have 2 weeks worth of play time on the server, and I'm also a donator. I used to like the server a lot and was quite active. Unfortunately went rogue after a dispute with some of the staff.
SteamID: STEAM_1:1:54550289
Who Banned You: Deadpoolz
Reason For Ban: Staff Dis, Trolling, Racism
Length of Ban: Forever (banned September 2017)
Reason for Mods to Unban:
Just want to play TTT again. There's no reason for me to be toxic anymore, shouldn't have happened the first time tbh.
Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): Yes, but it was very shortly before the permaban
I have 2 weeks worth of play time on the server, and I'm also a donator. I used to like the server a lot and was quite active. Unfortunately went rogue after a dispute with some of the staff.