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Mod Application (New to forums, sorry if wrong spot)
sorry mosh i like you as a person but i do not see you fit for staff..

its a -1 from me as about 15-30 of your hours were farmed (he went afk when no staff were on and when staff did get on he would get kicked)

also he doesnt pay attention to any server updates.

The required amount of hours has went up to 80 hours (as stated in the !motd)
Quote:Time played: 2 days, 12 hours, 25 minutes.

you even admit to being kicked for being afk. 

Quote:Have you've been previously banned?(Link relevant posts): No, occasional kick for afk though.

there have been quiet a few times where quiet a few staff have been online and he would use still use his permission. 

As for wanting the rank to have the ability do more for the server as a trusted you have the exact same commands as a donor. the only difference is is trusted get the commands for teleportation and to see who's friends with who. I personally dont see you being a good fit for staff. 

Quote:Rank Desired: Trusted. I don't want any further power or potential promotions. I simply would like a little bit more power to stop people from ghosting or mic spamming. I would likely not apply for anything further than this.

as for the ghosting if you want to help with that record the ghosting and get enough evidence and make a ban request. After collecting enough evidence you can kick that player from the server as you have the permissions to 

Quote:What can you do to help the community?: 

I can fill in some niche times (late at night, really early morning) that occasionally don't have a mod on. I see a lot of ghosting on the server and would like to help control that. 

there have been quiet a few times a new player would come on the server and ask for help 
and this is the response i have witness you give 

sorry mosh =/

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RE: Mod Application (New to forums, sorry if wrong spot) - by §4 Daddy Shank - 05-20-2018, 03:01 PM

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