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Mod Application (New to forums, sorry if wrong spot)
-1 When i am on you aren't mostly on and if you are, you're AFK. i understand if you have stuff to do in the background but if you have a lot of shit to do i would recommend Disconnecting from the server. You admitted to being AFK a lot in your app too. I have had people tell me that you used your powers as a donor without the Staff team asking you for help with a situation. I feel that you are "hour farming" in the server as well. Also despite all of this the Minimum hours for staff has raised from 60 - 80 since Dink and Nick mostly got back their staff team.

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RE: Mod Application (New to forums, sorry if wrong spot) - by §9Combat Lynx™ - 05-20-2018, 04:33 PM

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