I’ve been here throughout your entire staff journey here on Dinks. And even though I may not agree with some actions during your short adminship, I know that you have a good heart and could change how your emotions drive you sometimes. That can mess a lot of things up for you, especially when you’re staff. I hope that you reconsider this resignation post, and do as Everyjuan said above.I believe that you can be excellent, as I’ve seen excellency before when you were just a TMod. However, that’s your decision to make in the end.
Thank you for being a staff member, one who I could rely on and trust when I used to be ttt staff alongside you. :D
Also.. you guys shouldn’t be arguing on a resignation thread.. That isn’t the purpose of it. I’ll never understand how some of you argue on every thread that you appear on. : (
Thank you for being a staff member, one who I could rely on and trust when I used to be ttt staff alongside you. :D
Also.. you guys shouldn’t be arguing on a resignation thread.. That isn’t the purpose of it. I’ll never understand how some of you argue on every thread that you appear on. : (