(08-27-2018, 04:44 PM)Darkkran [David] Wrote: You didn't give a budget....
Nor the main games you play.. but seeing how you have a i3 dated to the 1800's, I'm gonna suggest this.
Anyways.. https://pcpartpicker.com/user/darkkran1337/saved/d3XkdC
Oh, sorry. Yeah, I don't play any super demanding games- Siege, Gmod, a dead chinese browser game, PCSX2.
I don't even remember how much I spent on the GPU originally tbh, but I'm finding listings of it for like 50-70 $ refurbished on Ebay- so I'd ideally like to spend somewhere around that. Either way, I'll spend what I have to.
Edit: Yeah, other people have been recommending the 1050 as well. I remember looking at it originally, but the R7 had a bit better performance for the price. I'll definitely think about it if I can find it for a similar price. Anyway, thanks for the input~