09-19-2018, 10:39 AM
Hey um, I really don't think you guys should nerf the shotgun. While it's annoying as fuck sometimes to be one shot be the shotgun, it's a fucking shotgun, of course you should be able to delete someone up close. I know I probably have an unpopular opinion, but I think the shotgun is fairly balanced as it is. The easiest way to counter a shotgun is to not be retarded. By keeping your distance from a shotgun, it becomes fairly useless. We need to not hop on the bandwagon of nerfing the shotgun, because for some people, it's the only way to reliably get kills, which means enjoying their time on the server, and if you diminish that, there will be an even larger divide between casual players and those that are actually good, like Jimbo. However, if I were to change anything, it'd be nice if I wasn't blinded when a shotgun hits me, where you get hit, and your screen turns into an opaque red.
( ͡°_ʖ ͡°)