(09-24-2018, 02:16 AM)matt_st3 (Strongrule) Wrote: The only power this really applies to is Donor+ having access to the kick command. Why does this exist? I don’t know. Maybe dink gave access in case no staff can be reached reasonably (ping) so that that a donor+ (previous high ranked staff) can kick in emergency situations.
I had it requested when the Donor+ role was made incase there were situations that Staff could not handle immediately (example being Mic-Spam in certain Voice Channels.) I don't think this is something that should be pulled, but if you guys feel its for the best I understand. Maybe just re-clarifiy when it's appropriate when a Donor+ should use this. Really the only reason I requested it was for the reason I gave above with Micspammers, otherwise there isn't really a reason to use it unless someone is chat flooding something bannable (like something racist.)