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Suggestion Sunday: Don't Remove the Knife
(02-03-2019, 06:48 PM)Mr.Potato Wrote: I think the Dance Gun and the Spartan kick are supposed to be potential replacements to the knife, not an addition to the 1 hit kill weapon list. I mean it makes sense since the knife is quick and has a wide spread, isn’t hard to aim, and the harpoon is a teensie but broken.

I kind of disagree with this thread, since I think it will be a good move to replace the knife. It will make our server stand out in my opinion. It will allow new players to explore deeper into our server like “what is this, Ive never seen this before” and then try it.

Idk maybe this is a biased view because I like to explore and create new ways in killing players with T-Weapons.

The point of the knife is to allow bad players to get at least one kill for the cost of one credit. The dance gun is a meme weapon; it's essentially an AWP but with only one shot. I like it, but the only time I'm going to use it is when it's either the last innocent or when I'm targeting Hani. The Spartan Kick is similar to the knife, but it is very hard to use effectively; it has infinite ammo, but good luck connecting the kick with someone like Hani or MiniMe who are either halfway in the ceiling or b-hopping at mach 1. If you remove the knife, you remove the only guaranteed one-hit kill weapon in the T-store. The dance gun requires, relatively, good aim, and the Spartan Kick requires excellent movement and aim to kill a moving target. Removing the knife makes guest traitors even less competitive than they already are, which is very anti-beginner, which could affect future growth of the server.
( ͡°_ʖ ͡°)

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RE: Suggestion Sunday: Don't Remove the Knife - by Trombowen - 02-04-2019, 12:47 PM

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