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Suggestion Sunday: Don't Remove the Knife
Honestly Knives are part of the core what makes TTT. If you take that out, you're really changing the experience of what makes TTT what it is. Yeah you can argue modifying the DMG to make it a 1hit when originally it's supposed to be more than that, but it's not really a great argument imo. I get the frustrations of good players getting targeted with a knife, and I can agree it can get quite annoying. I think we've been pointing too many fingers towards the knife, when the issue I see is the "Stop Following Rule."

I can't say enough that I think this is the issue, and it's not only with Knives. Shotguns too, harpoons, anything that can instant kill the player by giving little or no reaction time at all is incredibly frustrating and annoying. Not to mention players are going to have to sit out and wait for like 10+ minutes till the round ends (please fix this soon.)

I really think there are a few solutions here:
  • Fix the god damn round times. This would solve most of the issue of being targeted with the knife, rounds do not need to last beyond 6-7 minutes. Time extension per kill needs to be cut so people don't need to get impatient waiting.
  • Readjust / Enforce the "Stop Following Rule" to be valid at any time with 3 warnings (5 seconds apart per warning)
Though this doesn't entirely stop the targeting issue, it imo provides a better solution than removing the Knife. I don't see why you need to remove it when Shotguns can still 1 tap, and Harpoons and AWPs are still a thing. Keep the Knife in the game, and fix the issues surrounding it instead of blaming the item itself.
If you have any questions regarding the server rules or anything else, send me a forum PM.
Resigned TTT & Deathrun Admin.
[Image: 1199184.png]

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RE: Suggestion Sunday: Don't Remove the Knife - by Christian - 02-04-2019, 12:58 PM

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