Regarding targeting rule, it's all supposed to be handle by the staff. They're supposed to stop it from continuing, that's if there are staff online around then. I mean even if there isn't, you could record and upload the proof to us in player reports, then the staff can handle it and deal with it.
As for following rule to be kosable before overtime, I rather say no. I understand in your point of view its annoying. It happens to me or any female players / squeaker players on the server. Imagine someone saying 1, 2, 3 real quick without even a millisecond ahead and just instantly kill you. Or even with things like "1 Mississippi" and they just instantly kill you and claim that they already given 3 warnings but at different period of time. Like at 1 minute: 1 warning, the 3 minute mark, the second warning, lastly right before overtime, the last warning. Or someone claiming that you were following them and gave you 3 warnings for no reasons and just kills you.
That's why when I used to handle targeting/following rule is that if they're purposely doing that every round, obviously it's harassment and they should be punish with the right rule which is warn > kick > ban. But that was the old way of handling the players. I think we used to make it like an hour time-out ban and if they come back making it worse, its straight to one day. Like we gave you a chance... pretty much.
Anyways, :D I rather it's a no from me.
As for following rule to be kosable before overtime, I rather say no. I understand in your point of view its annoying. It happens to me or any female players / squeaker players on the server. Imagine someone saying 1, 2, 3 real quick without even a millisecond ahead and just instantly kill you. Or even with things like "1 Mississippi" and they just instantly kill you and claim that they already given 3 warnings but at different period of time. Like at 1 minute: 1 warning, the 3 minute mark, the second warning, lastly right before overtime, the last warning. Or someone claiming that you were following them and gave you 3 warnings for no reasons and just kills you.
That's why when I used to handle targeting/following rule is that if they're purposely doing that every round, obviously it's harassment and they should be punish with the right rule which is warn > kick > ban. But that was the old way of handling the players. I think we used to make it like an hour time-out ban and if they come back making it worse, its straight to one day. Like we gave you a chance... pretty much.
Anyways, :D I rather it's a no from me.
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If you want to know why Nicol is Nicole, then its because Nicole is secretly Nicol.