As a regular player of the server and a standpoint of player to staff, I personally don't see you enacting much of an authority when I'm on. Yes, some other staff are always getting to it first, but i never really see you acting first. The ambition of a tmod is of someone who wants to be promoted for their effort not how much time they've spent with their current rank. When I play, I usually see you go Afk and comeback moments later after some of the donors have dealt with the trolls. As far as what the other's have said about helping out with ghosters, When I tell you, hey person A and person B might be ghosting, you don't watch or at least reply to me or other players that you got it. This is all from personal experience so I don't know what others have been through with you. At times you leave after being told there's peeps trolling and ghosting, it may be a mere coincidence, but I've seen this more than once. I don't believe that with all that I've seen in your performance since I started playing and I saw you were trusted, amount to what is a tmod. I'm giving you a -1 for the high amounts of AFK you show and the lack of staff ambition.
- Welcome To Dinkleberg's GMod
- TTT > PH > Murder > DR
- What ever happened to Jesse the Alive Cowboy?
- Norm Minder:
- Dink said no
- Welcome to EpicGuy's TTT
- Nuru is 5'rage"
- Push the Possum
- Free caribou
- Bryan go brrrrr
- Nicol bows to Gabe
- Hacker in PH
- Did rand win
- Fuck murph lets shit
- Caribou's hand is raised!
- Goodnight chaos!
- Lol dr is dead
- Poop Maniac: You have a big dick, and are very important. So I implore you, Mr. Strongrule—
- Chaos's real name is Jenna.
- Has anyone seen GCubed?
- Are we picking our own teams
- Cope mald seethe
- SoBroMelts: So I eat them slays. Mmm delish.
- Ted's shoutbox message was NOT edited.
- Forums is LITERALLY 1984.
Pikachu's Test Moderator Application
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