08-25-2019, 12:50 PM
I've written this post about three times deleted it and then decided that its best just to put out these points:
- Yes some of the people involved in this have shown behaviour that's not desirable in a community and I'm not saying its ok to do that but a perm community ban is very heavy handed.
- Going into private discords to take a post out of a conversation and then using that as 'evidence' within Dinks community is not appropriate. Its an invasion of privacy and it doesn't really prove anything because you've only given snippets. Either give people all the information publicly or keep it all private.
- This could have been handled in a much better way without making a huge public scene which just gets everyone's back up.
- I know this community went through a tough time a while back, your pushing it towards another one by making people feel vulnerable and like they cannot voice their opinions (even though that's one of the reasons why someone got banned).
I'd like to think that this can all be resolved and that we can all get back to playing the game without drama but it's the nature of the online world for drama to unfold. Its how we handle it shows what kind of people we are. I'm disappointed, for many reasons and I hope that these events do not have a negative impact on the community we have all become part of.