Well as a co-owner that hasn't been able to be active recently.. I have no say on in game behavior.. Also I won't call anyone out but she isn't the first to be excited and anxious to apply. I get it power hunger and all but Taako, and Russ both made good points. They have been the only active upper staff with me not being on. I trust both of their opinions. A -1 is nothing but an opinion everyone gets bad ones here and there.. If someone is so dedicated and happy to help, let them.. She has shown true dedication and effort to improve. She may come off as annoying to staff but that shouldn't be the case! She looks up to you! Wanting to be one of you! Don't discourage her for that.
+1 for reasons said above. Has show great improvement much effort given. I was hesitant on when to give a go for the reply as I did say it needed to be 3 weeks but she isn't the only one who replied early.
- Starky
+1 for reasons said above. Has show great improvement much effort given. I was hesitant on when to give a go for the reply as I did say it needed to be 3 weeks but she isn't the only one who replied early.
- Starky