03-20-2020, 11:15 PM
and just to point out something non have you had the thought of mentioning, my concern of the name wasnt because i didnt want to say a name i didnt know how to pronounce, it was the fact i was concerned if other players, new or old would be able to understand what anyone was referring to when they called a kos, now imagine a new player comes on the server and he hears "kos cookie" and he is looking and cant find that name in the list. it makes the game more frustrating and it makes it hard for players to converse about this name. some might find it easy but im not thinking about those who can im concerned about those who cant. i want to play game where everyone has fun, not where some are stressed and annoyed because they cant understand what other players mean, while the others are having fun, im looking at the bigger picture in all of this.