(04-07-2020, 10:40 PM)matt_st3 (Strongrule) Wrote: If it can come from the T menu and someone is using it, it is kosable unless they are proven. Detectives are default proven. That’s all, there’s no sus on weapons, it’s either kosable or not. Which I would argue is perfectly clear in the MOTD as it is specifically mentioned.
" Having a traitor item while unproven 9"
This is the only somewhat related rule in the MOTD and it doesn't specify about items that are also purchasable by detectives, the grapple hook is not just a T weapon, this wouldn't be a thread if it was. Why should I be killed because someone is trigger happy and can find a hole in the rules as an excuse to kill me.
To clarify further, I don't care if it's changed to fit my desires or not, but I want this rule to be clearer because if I, someone who was at one point staff, struggle to understand this rule, some guest will too.