-The issue with ghost is known, In fact I made a thread seeing what the community wants, if it wanted to be removed or for it to stay while we search for a way to either fix it or to replace it, that thread can be found here: https://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/site/Thr...stay-as-is
-From what I saw not even I can clear decals, will get with dink on that.
-Personally I like to have the information to see how much a trap does to you, it can make routing the map easier, if it's because of an AFK killer just type !cleanup.
-Once again I've sent dink a rework/revision of the rules, just waiting on dink to take a look at it, also deaths cannot kill bind, that means they are hitting a death barrier and if they're doing it on purpose they're doing it to avoid being death which isn't allowed even under the current rules.
-waiting on dink to increase the speed cap, which will make using the scroll wheel practically useless.
-From what I saw not even I can clear decals, will get with dink on that.
-Personally I like to have the information to see how much a trap does to you, it can make routing the map easier, if it's because of an AFK killer just type !cleanup.
-Once again I've sent dink a rework/revision of the rules, just waiting on dink to take a look at it, also deaths cannot kill bind, that means they are hitting a death barrier and if they're doing it on purpose they're doing it to avoid being death which isn't allowed even under the current rules.
-waiting on dink to increase the speed cap, which will make using the scroll wheel practically useless.
The smol an frigil coffee addict