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What do you think an appropriate teaming rule should be?
You might go somewhere with the moderate and severe teaming but I’m not sure myself. I feel like it’s sometimes hard to classify teaming too. Like say for a instance a innocent sees a body bomb planted and picks up the body bomb and goes on to kill a group of innocents with it on purpose. Would that be considered teaming or rdm.  That’s just one example I thought of at the top of my head cus I have seen stuff like that happened.  However in some cases teaming can be easy to define too. Like say for example a guy is shooting innocents as a t and the guys friend helps him kills all the innocents. That is teaming I’m pretty sure but it also depends on the intention and the way the situation happened. It’s just depends really. I think staff discretion also comes into play here sometimes too. Moderate and severe teaming I can understand that maybe. Perhaps with moderate teaming it could be three strikes and you are out possibly, but I don’t know if that’s too strict or something, I don’t know how the ban lengths would work for moderate teaming though. Severe teaming on the other hand could probably. be just be two offenses until a perma ban, first offense 2 week and then perma for severe. Since severe teaming would mostly likely deal with malicious teaming and disregard of playing the game right.

Messages In This Thread
RE: What do you think an appropriate teaming rule should be? - by JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 10-13-2020, 12:46 PM
RE: What do you think an appropriate teaming rule should be? - by JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 10-13-2020, 01:00 PM
RE: What do you think an appropriate teaming rule should be? - by JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 10-13-2020, 04:24 PM
RE: What do you think an appropriate teaming rule should be? - by JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 10-13-2020, 05:06 PM
RE: What do you think an appropriate teaming rule should be? - by JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 10-13-2020, 05:14 PM
RE: What do you think an appropriate teaming rule should be? - by JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 01-30-2021, 11:19 AM

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