10-15-2020, 05:14 PM
(10-13-2020, 04:58 PM)Christian Wrote: 1st Offense: Warning
2nd Offense: 24 Hour / 1 Day Ban
3rd Offense: 1 or 2 weeks
I like Christian's recommendations for MODERATE teaming - stuff like a T giving an inno a T weapon and inno kills other innos/does actual damage to their own team. And even then, only if the victims report as RDM. In that case, this hard-line for teaming should be used. Anything that is harmful and impacts the scoring or enjoyment of a round or gives the players involved an unfair advantage should go under these rules.
For severe teaming, where a player assists the other side intentionally/with malicious intent, I feel that should be treated as ghosting is.
For fun teaming, such as t reviving an inno just to kill the inno again, I'm not convinced that that should be punishable. I feel the situation with Lycan and Crab falls under that, where their schenanigans didn't harm the team given the advantage (Lycan died during his own schenanigans). But again, anything fun that results in another player getting a score boost (such as if the inno kills the T before the T can kill the inno) which could cause that inno to get the map win, should be considered moderate teaming.
Confusing things should also not be punished - things like not killing an obvious traitor - may not be obvious to everyone. I could be messing in my point shop and miss a T knifing someone in front of me. I tend to reserve shooting someone unless I'm sure - the consequences of not doing so involve a slay. I've accidently revived detectives before - usually due to me seeing credits and not checking the role and assuming they are a T buddy. Should I be banned for 2 weeks for not losing time by checking the name against a list of names?
Maybe I'm off the mark, but I think this categorization is reasonable. What is certain is that what we have now is significantly too strict.
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