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Give the discord its proper Jams
Discord Name: jammin

Discord ID: jammin#8313

When First Joined(Estimate): 23 September 2020
What is your age: 18+
What rank are you applying for (Helper or Moderator): Helper

What can you do to help the Discord community: I feel that I can lend a hand in keeping the discord sane. As a very active staff member on TTT for a while, I know how to handle situations of harassment, chatspam, racism, etc. I feel I could very effectively enforce the rules of the main discord server. I would handle discord with a similar approach to in-server chat - no spam, be respectful/don't flame/don't harass/don't spam, but obviously discord is not a game server. I'm not the top discord poster but I am online and check it frequently, and am responsive to server pings. I'd be happy to respond to discord pings in a similar fashion.

Why you want to help the Discord community: I feel the discord on-call staff is lacking due to multiple resignations. I feel we should have more staff available who can help with a potentially volatile situation should one arise, as well as someone to help reduce the shitposting moderately in the game channels. I feel too much spam happens in several of these server-specific channels now, and I feel like I can help direct conversation as appropriate. But my main desire is to ensure that the discord channels have more staff online to handle on-call situations, for when the highest of severity issues pop up.
I also want to strengthen each server channel to be directed towards their intended purposes. No more #hackerInDR spam in the prophunt chanel - lets let the servers have server-based discussion in there.

Other: I won't let this ruin my dinkleberg's experience, don't worry ;)

Also i'm not sure i'd be qualified enough under normal curcumstances, but when there are only 2 active non-red discord staff (that i'm aware of - bot and Noire), that's an issue. Its not the admin's job to patrol the discord, though they right now they more or less are the discord police. I feel I can handle the obvious situations well (no harassment, no spam, no flaming, no spam pinging, no slurs/racism, etc.), and I will likely seek out discretionary training on handling shitposting in various channels.
I'm nowhere nearly as qualified as other active applicants (simpray :)) but I hope I can still help quell some of the madness.

Quick edit: Send me feedback please! I'm newer to the discord world, I still see it as a voice-enabled slack board.
Edit: While reading through more of the documentation, I see the VSMKB (verbal, strike, mute, kick, ban) - I take this approach in-game to the TTT server, so I am very comfortable doing this.
In TTT, while I do try to follow the TTT guidelines, I find that verbal warnings are helpful before going to AWarn. But I have no problem warning people after a verbal warning. And major things like direct slurs don't deserve a verbal warning, in my opinion.
Edit: exact date added for discord join thanks to auttaja bot
[Image: cYQlQ4a.gif]
Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
Join our discord:
Let Jammin burn discord +1
+1. This is a review on fellow staff Jammin:

Based on my experiences on TTT this man has helped me do a perfect multitasking on the server. Even if it might look like some kind of synergy, we've had certain collisions, specifically with AWarn :). Anyway, yes: we tend to distribute our tasks when doing stuff and so far we've learned of each other. Since this has been my first time cooperating for real (because school and uni sucks at it tbh), I can say that cooperating with you as Discord Staff would be an extension of the work we're already making on TTT.
+1 jammin, just dont overwork yourself! ;)
+1 We need some extra vibes
you wanna thorw yourself ino THAT hell hole? well dont let me stop you +1 maybe u can bring change to the discord best of luck
[Image: 46713d688f8087b1f2d3b92a79d7afea.png]

Future owner  :D
As I stated with Synthray,

If you allow yourself to take discord staff too seriously, you will literally feel like you are the most pathetic lifeform in existence. 

So for your sake, please don't allow yourself to be consumed with the idea of enforcing the rules; however, I trust your judgement and I don't think you'd allow the discord to consume your soul.

+1. Wish you the best with your staffing on the discord.
plus one dont stop staffing t mod pls. you are mature so best of luck
I think you're insane, but it's your choice man. I believe you're a no brainer for any position you go for. Best of luck.

(01-11-2021, 11:34 PM)Jammin Wrote: Discord Name: jammin

Discord ID: jammin#8313

When First Joined(Estimate): 23 September 2020
What is your age: 26 (holy shit im old)
What rank are you applying for (Helper or Moderator): Helper

What can you do to help the Discord community: I feel that I can lend a hand in keeping the discord sane. As a very active staff member on TTT for a while, I know how to handle situations of harassment, chatspam, racism, etc. I feel I could very effectively enforce the rules of the main discord server. I would handle discord with a similar approach to in-server chat - no spam, be respectful/don't flame/don't harass/don't spam, but obviously discord is not a game server. I'm not the top discord poster but I am online and check it frequently, and am responsive to server pings. I'd be happy to respond to discord pings in a similar fashion.

Why you want to help the Discord community: I feel the discord on-call staff is lacking due to multiple resignations. I feel we should have more staff available who can help with a potentially volatile situation should one arise, as well as someone to help reduce the shitposting moderately in the game channels. I feel too much spam happens in several of these server-specific channels now, and I feel like I can help direct conversation as appropriate. But my main desire is to ensure that the discord channels have more staff online to handle on-call situations, for when the highest of severity issues pop up.
I also want to strengthen each server channel to be directed towards their intended purposes. No more #hackerInDR spam in the prophunt chanel - lets let the servers have server-based discussion in there.

Other: I won't let this ruin my dinkleberg's experience, don't worry ;)

Also i'm not sure i'd be qualified enough under normal curcumstances, but when there are only 2 active non-red discord staff (that i'm aware of - bot and Noire), that's an issue. Its not the admin's job to patrol the discord, though they right now they more or less are the discord police. I feel I can handle the obvious situations well (no harassment, no spam, no flaming, no spam pinging, no slurs/racism, etc.), and I will likely seek out discretionary training on handling shitposting in various channels.
I'm nowhere nearly as qualified as other active applicants (simpray :)) but I hope I can still help quell some of the madness.

Quick edit: Send me feedback please! I'm newer to the discord world, I still see it as a voice-enabled slack board.
Edit: While reading through more of the documentation, I see the VSMKB (verbal, strike, mute, kick, ban) - I take this approach in-game to the TTT server, so I am very comfortable doing this.
In TTT, while I do try to follow the TTT guidelines, I find that verbal warnings are helpful before going to AWarn. But I have no problem warning people after a verbal warning. And major things like direct slurs don't deserve a verbal warning, in my opinion.
Edit: exact date added for discord join thanks to auttaja bot

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