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Jumping Irish Pony.
In-game Name: MillyDilly, §bMilly§3Dilly`

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:418964902

Time Played: 139.1 Hours
[Image: player_time.php?nameb64=TWlsbHlEaWxseWA%...8809764105]

When First Joined: somewhere in 2019

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): 5:00pm to 5-6:00am GMT+ | 12:00pm - 12-1:00am EST

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Regular

What can you do to help the community: I can be the late night staff (for EST) because not much interesting things happens at 5am here. I do believe that I am mentially  stable at this time of day and in general to be able to take care of the server and take care of it by my self if ever required. I can gather evidence needed for a ban request and i can respond to an on call staff ping quickly and load into the server quickly. I do believe i am capable of handling any situation such as mic spam, trolls, and teamers. I will make sure not to step over any boundaries and if it is something i cannot handle or its something out of my hands i will take it to upperstaff and not try to overhaul things by my self. I do think i can be a good help to the staff team and other regards. 

Why you want to help the community: I love the Dinkleberg community I love the people here everyone here is an amazing person and I'm glad i met you, and I'm happy to be here, This community has been such an inspiration to me and really has given me a better outlook. Aside from all the jokes about running away and whos really a bad staff or whos the worse admin I don't see much behind the scenes or any other the drama that goes on sometimes but i still find this to be a great place and you wont be getting rid of me that easily. I will also add to my rant that there are 2 active DR staff, im not at all trying to use this as a backbone or base for this staff app but i do wish to expand and help the DR staff team.

Have you been previously banned?:No.

Have you previously applied for staff: Not for deathrun.

How did you find us?: !hop command

Other: I am trying to get better at how the things work here and trying to improve especially how i can improve being a viable staff member/asset for the dinks community, i really want to help the servers in this way, to be there and able to handle the situation.

Things i want to address:
The TTT ban:
I am very sorry for this and that i paraded around like it was an achievement and boasted about it as if it gave me the cool internet points, and if it did i have yet to receive them.
I know that this ban is stuck on my record and its not exactly going anywhere south for the winter. I understand that i should not have gone and tried to get banned and i should not have boasted about it. I also want to apologize to Jesse and any other of the TTT staff that put up with my shit, especially Bryanbrr. And yes I know it was one of my old forum signature but goes back to where I know I handled this poorly and took it in a way i should not have.

Deleting my murder staff app:
I have my reasons for that don't think it was because of any of the things any one said or "my staff app was failing", I do not wish to publicly say why and what my reasons are in a public forum please respect my decision. And no this one will not be deleted.

Uh Huhuh huh (hyperlinked image) Please don't take this as I'm being forced to make this application I did want to make this uh huh just told me to do it now.

EDIT: What can you do to help the community
[Image: dVe5C4F.gif]
find more through my linktree | Never Forget | My emotinal support cat Green Bean 
Literally a copy & paste from your murder app, but my thoughts and feels still apply to this app.

Now, I understand this is a DR app, but like with Norms app I feel all apps should be looked at for a widespread on the server since we all are going to be working in a community.

To start this: You don't listen. You shit post and troll, you pick and choose which arguments you want and don't want. When people annoy you, instead of just muting them, you continue to allow the annoyance to take hold of you and you either explode, or cry to us. What do you want us to do? Honestly? We can step in when it becomes harassment and staff need to put a foot down, but if someone annoys you just m u t e them. That is something you don't seem to get. And idk how that is going to play into you having staff. That actually worries me a little bit.

Donors are not staff: the last time I told you this you asked that I stop treating you as though you are new to PH. Here is my issue, how many times do we need to remind you that you aren't staff (yet?) policing the discord/server isn't needed. Being helpful is. There is a difference and I don't feel confident you know how to tell the difference yet.

I could really dig and jab and go into this, but I just won't because I can scream all my worries and concerns until we are both blue in the face and you still won't listen.

I do not think you should be part of the staff team. That's just my opinion. I do not think you would be of much help, I feel you would pick and choose and that you won't be able to handle it. But hey, this is just based off what I've seen in PH.

So for that, I am a strong -1. I do wish you the best on this though.
Go away
(01-25-2021, 12:19 PM)MissPauling Wrote: Literally a copy & paste from your murder app, but my thoughts and feels still apply to this app.

Now, I understand this is a DR app, but like with Norms app I feel all apps should be looked at for a widespread on the server since we all are going to be working in a community.

To start this: You don't listen. You shit post and troll, you pick and choose which arguments you want and don't want. When people annoy you, instead of just muting them, you continue to allow the annoyance to take hold of you and you either explode, or cry to us. What do you want us to do? Honestly? We can step in when it becomes harassment and staff need to put a foot down, but if someone annoys you just m u t e them. That is something you don't seem to get. And idk how that is going to play into you having staff. That actually worries me a little bit.

Donors are not staff: the last time I told you this you asked that I stop treating you as though you are new to PH. Here is my issue, how many times do we need to remind you that you aren't staff (yet?) policing the discord/server isn't needed. Being helpful is. There is a difference and I don't feel confident you know how to tell the difference yet.

I could really dig and jab and go into this, but I just won't because I can scream all my worries and concerns until we are both blue in the face and you still won't listen.

I do not think you should be part of the staff team. That's just my opinion. I do not think you would be of much help, I feel you would pick and choose and that you won't be able to handle it. But hey, this is just based off what I've seen in PH.

So for that, I am a strong -1. I do wish you the best on this though.
Vice Versa miss pauling, but i really want to express please some to me about if you have problems with me I'm not shutting you out i even sent you a friend request on discord so you can talk to me, I will read it.

& I try to make be fun my "shitposting" is depending on what you mean and im not  trying to troll i want to have fun with other people and making jokes or saying something stupid is the best way i know how to do that, if this means more how i act on ttt. That is how i treat ttt because that is how i see ttt just a huge joke and yes i know i purpously got banned ttt and i am regretful of that. I don't mean to be annoying so sorry if i am.

I don't explode and if i do i don't mean or try to and if there is staff on I do mute them If i don't have them muted its because there's no staff on and i need to record because other players don't mute the people mic spamming no matter how many times me or other regs and donors will tell them how and they just get toxic over it and it gets worse and worse. I don't come crying to staff i will ping you and if no-one gets on i can understand that its not a complete problem and i can make a ban request if and when possible, I know most of you have lives outside of this game and other things to do than staff a gmod server. And don't take this as I'm saying your not reliable or something like that your all amazing  at staffing inactive or not you all have show you are in a deserved position.

"Donors are not staff" all of my points says i have said this more times than you have (don't take that out of context as if I'm bragging or something). I know I am not a staff member of any kind or discord helper or moderator of any kindI am a donor i do not have to help i can mute everyone, leave the server, just not care, and i do not have any power over anyone. You do treat me as if I'm new to prop hunt you have told me all the basics you even tell me specifics and how to see illegal spots and where to find other various things i already know. You act like i am a overstepping "just bought" donor if im overstepping Please tell me I will try to work on my actions and stop what I'm doing, I have fun here and i want other people to have fun here too.

Go ahead and tell me what's wrong I will gladly listen you have never tried to talk to me besides telling me I'm not staff. But message me on discord please, so it doesn't fill here.

No. I would not pick and choose what I want to handle if I cant handle all situations I should not be staff and if I do get staff and I am show not not  be able to hold up or be able to actually take care of the server alone or if another staff member is on then please take the staff role from me. I do not to wish to staff a server where I am a burden. And if i didn't believe i couldn't do it i would have never applied.

also quick edit i do agree staff apps should get me more widespread from other people even if its not there main server and at least share their experience wit them
[Image: dVe5C4F.gif]
find more through my linktree | Never Forget | My emotinal support cat Green Bean 
Hey Milly, I want to say you have gotten better with reporting players, you do call staff when needed and have made ban requests, I just believe
you aren't ready yet. I've noticed you tend to troll a bit, which as a staff you need to show an example to the players,
and keep the server calm (which you do..) but still needs more work

gonna be a -1 for now, I think just take and learn from what is said here and implement it, and I think you'll become a great staff
in no time, best of luck!
[Image: titan.gif]
I have no problems with you, but if you want my honest opinion I think that you are most interested in having the title of Staff than actually trying to earn it. I’ve seen you help out here and there through discord, but most of the stuff I’ve seen you put out has been quite trolly.

If you continue to improve in areas that people have mentioned I think you’ll be molded into staff material sooner rather than later, just learn from criticism.
(01-25-2021, 01:06 PM)dong Wrote: I have no problems with you, but if you want my honest opinion I think that you are most interested in having the title of Staff than actually trying to earn it. I’ve seen you help out here and there through discord, but most of the stuff I’ve seen you put out has been quite trolly.

If you continue to improve in areas that people have mentioned I think you’ll be molded into staff material sooner rather than later, just learn from criticism.
I am not interested in having the title i don't want to have staff just to be a show boat or something. I want the staff rank to help, I wouldn't want to staff a server if I'm just going to sit there and be like "oh yeah I'm staff i can deal with things" but never get anything done. I don't want to just let the server run into chaos and ok I like to be a joke sometimes I admit but I do take things seriously, especially this. I thank you for replying at least.

(01-25-2021, 01:02 PM)Titan17 Wrote: Hey Milly, I want to say you have gotten better with reporting players, you do call staff when needed and have made ban requests, I just believe
you aren't ready yet. I've noticed you tend to troll a bit, which as a staff you need to show an example to the players,
and keep the server calm (which you do..) but still needs more work

gonna be a -1 for now, I think just take and learn from what is said here and implement it, and I think you'll become a great staff
in no time, best of luck!
Thank you for responding, but as I said to dong i like making jokes sometimes I don't want to be bland but i don't want it to be excessive to where it is trolling, i do wish to have fun and I wish to help at the same time. I understand your decision and I'm not going to try to persuade you to change it or force you to rethink what you said is what you said and your entitled to it.
[Image: dVe5C4F.gif]
find more through my linktree | Never Forget | My emotinal support cat Green Bean 
You are a special one, Milly.

I am taking my time to crawl out of my hole in order to respond to this. I wanna preface quickly by saying that I do not play DR, which, logically, means I shouldn't have a say in this app. However, there is still something I want to say.

Milly, you have applied for staff on three of dink's servers, these being PH, Murder, and now, DR. You have been denied murder staff twice. This simple fact speaks volumes of your character. It seems as though you'll play on a server, have a good time, apply for staff, get denied, then switch to another game mode. Dong hit the nail right on the head: "You are most interested in having the title of Staff than actually trying to earn it." You crave the satisfaction of being staff, but don't want to put in the effort of actually achieving it. Sure, you make friends here. But that does not make you, in any way, shape, or form, a qualified staff member. Being staff should not be a popularity contest (as it has been in some cases) you need to work for what you want.

I'm not going to bring up the interactions I've had with you months ago, as I feel as though they are outdated and not worth being thought about. I'm also going to give a neutral (+0) on this as, again, I have been incredibly inactive and have never even touched the DR server with a 10 foot stick. I just want this out there as consideration for others.
[Image: image0_2.jpg]
(01-26-2021, 12:09 AM)§bKiwi The Fruit Wrote: &Milly, you have applied for staff on three of dink's servers, these being PH, Murder, and now, DR. 

&I knew someone would say this it was a matter of time, please don't take it like that i only made that ph staff app under a very bad mindset and i have openly stated before i wish to staff for murder and dr and never for ttt.

&You have been denied murder staff twice. This simple fact speaks volumes of your character. It seems as though you'll play on a server, have a good time, apply for staff, get denied, then switch to another game mode.

&I understand this and I partly agree with you, yes I was denied for murder twice but thats not saying i won't apply again because i want to get it right and this doesn't mean thats what I'm doing or what I'm wanting and the volume of my character can be twisted and shaped how you need it to be and thats how it will be used so in saying- I see it as I'm putting in as much effort as I can and I'm trying to be the best i possibly can.

&Dong hit the nail right on the head: "You are most interested in having the title of Staff than actually trying to earn it." You crave the satisfaction of being staff, but don't want to put in the effort of actually achieving it.

&I don't want to be branded as that kind of person i don't crave the satisfaction of being staff if i crave anything its to help the server(s) just because I'm putting in the effort to try shouldn't make me branded as someone who just wants power and satisfaction and quoting yourself "I have been incredibly inactive". You haven't been around to see me making any changes to myself and what I can do to be better because I have been trying, your context is based of my bits of memeing in discord and the applications I made so you are basing your opinions off the past experiences and only the forefront and not the background or anything else I have tried to do to be better.

&Sure, you make friends here. But that does not make you, in any way, shape, or form, a qualified staff member. Being staff should not be a popularity contest (as it has been in some cases) you need to work for what you want.

&Even i have said this, and if this is based on me being active in all servers well I play all the servers because I enjoy them and friends aren't about quantity its about the relations and memories you have with them. I'm also not just making friends then going around "Hey guys look i made a staff app you should all go and +1 it and" bla bla bla I'm not telling anyone HEY GO RESPOND you respond if it is your choice not because you are my friend i don't want biased opinions if you think I am able to handle being staff then go ahead put your word in I will not argue. (and do not take this as if im forcing you to change your opinion or that I'm heavily persuading you you gave me a neutral and I am fine with that)
"I'm not going to bring up the interactions I've had with you months ago, as I feel as though they are outdated and not worth being thought about. I'm also going to give a neutral (+0) on this as, again, I have been incredibly inactive and have never even touched the DR server with a 10 foot stick. I just want this out there as consideration for others." I thank you responding regardless

 "Sure, you make friends here. But that does not make you, in any way, shape, or form, a qualified staff member. Being staff should not be a popularity contest (as it has been in some cases) you need to work for what you want."

Expanding more on this, I'm active on the forums with over 400 post I'm active in discord and I have been somewhat active in all of the servers but the question is does it matter? 
No. It means nothing and I acknowledge that, I know that making friends through the discord, forums, and the servers means nothing when becoming staff except there opinions of me and there experiences with me. Just because I love this server does not mean I'm qualified because I am a regular does not make me a revered staff member it makes me a dedicated player. Because I'm donor that makes me staff of nothing and I have power over nothing and should not be doing things on my own or in and or against staff. 
[Image: dVe5C4F.gif]
find more through my linktree | Never Forget | My emotinal support cat Green Bean 
Let me start off by saying you've been a big help in the DR area with notifying staff of people breaking rules/exploiting with the jump pack. You've shown an eagerness to help with map editing and giving your opinion on potential changes to maps/player models/accessories.  

Now to the ugly part of what I need to say. 

You are a people pleaser, what I mean by this is that you've jumped on the trash talk band wagon several times in DR ALONE. 
- A couple of days ago I was on server with an alt and heard you trash talk not only Alora but DR staff as a whole, stating "the staff here are barely ever on, I practically maintain the server I am here so much more than any of them".  Though you do have more time on the server, this kind of attitude can come back to bite you. 
- A week or so ago you were jumping on board with a troll who was asking about Alora, you said "Alora hasn't been around in months, she is like the worst admin. I could do better as admin".

On PH I've heard you make SEVERAL negative remarks about the staff there, and how they are "brainless morons" or "just a bunch of simps". 

I will give you the benefit of the doubt that this is your type of joking around.  

You may think that no one is watching or listening but I can promise you we are.

Due to your recent Murder application situation I am going to suggest this Application be Denied and that you wait a month until applying again. That way there will be no doubt of your dedication to getting DR Trusted and all these accusations of "just wanting the title" can be put to rest. 

Be careful of the words you speak, though you may be joking, MANY little things can go south. I know you decently well and that is why I am not holding those comments against you, only bringing to light the negative results they can yield. 

Again, I am grateful that you desire to join the DR Team. I hope this desire to become DR staff continues and in a months time we can look back on this application and laugh a little. 

See you at the death circus
(01-26-2021, 02:07 AM)The Triangle Wrote: You are a people pleaser, what I mean by this is that you've jumped on the trash talk band wagon several times in DR ALONE. 
- A couple of days ago I was on server with an alt and heard you trash talk not only Alora but DR staff as a whole, stating "the staff here are barely ever on, I practically maintain the server I am here so much more than any of them".  Though you do have more time on the server, this kind of attitude can come back to bite you. 
- A week or so ago you were jumping on board with a troll who was asking about Alora, you said "Alora hasn't been around in months, she is like the worst admin. I could do better as admin".

On PH I've heard you make SEVERAL negative remarks about the staff there, and how they are "brainless morons" or "just a bunch of simps". 

I will give you the benefit of the doubt that this is your type of joking around.  
You may think that no one is watching or listening but I can promise you we are.

Due to your recent Murder application situation I am going to suggest this Application be Denied and that you wait a month until applying again. That way there will be no doubt of your dedication to getting DR Trusted and all these accusations of "just wanting the title" can be put to rest. 

Be careful of the words you speak, though you may be joking, MANY little things can go south. I know you decently well and that is why I am not holding those comments against you, only bringing to light the negative results they can yield. 

- "A couple of days ago I was on server with an alt and heard you trash talk not only Alora but DR staff as a whole, stating "the staff here are barely ever on, I practically maintain the server I am here so much more than any of them".  Though you do have more time on the server, this kind of attitude can come back to bite you." This is very humors, Lets start with "I mean by this is that you've jumped on the trash talk band wagon several times in DR ALONE" Many times this is the best way i can deal with trolls without proof or evidence agree with them so they eventually get quiet and are ignored and it just helps because they get calmed down i never mean anything by any of it im taking care of what i can best that i can. But moving on to the highlight of your comment  "the staff here are barely ever on, I practically maintain the server I am here so much more than any of them" I believe you are twisting my words in someway never do i say shit like this but i do admit the dr staff is almost never on and if you were to finish what i said "BECAUSE THERES 2 OF THEM" i say this many times especially when people are asking ME to help do something or to kick/ban someone and the best  i can do is relay to YOU and UH HUH as the two active dr staff. NEVER do i say i maintain the server i have said "ill just get on see if i need to make a ban request and get off"
and i always say that staff don't live in the server and stuff like ban request take times.

- A week or so ago you were jumping on board with a troll who was asking about Alora, you said "Alora hasn't been around in months, she is like the worst admin. I could do better as admin".
I genuinely laughed at this and would love to see proof were i said this now yes i do talk about alora being inactive but she isn't the worst admin and i even have said and quote "she may be inactive but when something important needs done she'll get it done" And what in the world is "
I could do better as admin". I don't even want to go near t-mod and i suddenly want to hop over to admin? I have even said i wouldn't want to be admin and i would probably not even be nearly a decent one. This is a statement you most defiantly took way out of context or twisted to fit perfectly in this response. Take that as you may, i never would say I would make a better admin that is a joke if anything or even satire Alora is and has done the best she can/will/do all of the admins do and thats a level of respect they may not get but deserve and i am not near that kind of ballpark and i am more than content with that.

& What? Voss out of all the staff i have seen come and go in DR ALONE and have seen just as a community member i have given you so much respect i believe in you more than a lot  of other people and i trust you as a person and a fellow player and uh huh i even have given nothing but positive criticism's he's doing an amazing job and I'm glad hes still on the staff team. Even when socks applied i gave nothing but support to them and the dr staff ,Also multiple times i have said that trolls are "brainless morons" i genuinely don't understand what they get out of it. 

& "simps" is not funny nor is just calling people brainless morons unless its a joke about my spot on mini-mall, what i find funny is beesechurger, a plague docter dancing to gangster's paradise and what even comes out of #shitposting

You think I'm stupid.

& I can agree with this but i don't want it denied immediately i want any and all criticism to be said here i don't want this closed and denied right now just to put one thought to "rest" and even then it wont rest it will still be brought up again every time i apply because it seems like im "trying to hard" when i just have the dedication.

I'm not trying to put myself on a  pedestal but i am Male to female, and i like girls (even though my sexuality cant decide) I know how small shit can be before its 300kil to Florida i have been in so many situations where this exact problem happens, i have been in more arguments about a couch than i have had a nice casual conversation its the little things you should respect but not treat as like a poising 

Editing this
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find more through my linktree | Never Forget | My emotinal support cat Green Bean 

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.