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Discord Mod II
Discord Name: synthray

Discord ID: synth#0011

When First Joined(Estimate): Nov 2020
What is your age: 20
What rank are you applying for (Helper or Moderator):  @Staff and @Discord Moderator

What can you do to help the Discord community: I can provide some early assistance to the Discord. Knowing that it has a userbase of ~4,200 it's always nice to have someone "specialized" on the platform with abilities to mantain or improve the server culture.

Why you want to help the Discord community: I dislike being reactive in terms of moderation, so I find motivation in softer/less 'aggresive' methods to reduce the perceived impact on the userbase and help decrease friction on staff. I've found some key topics and actions that might improve the quality of the chat or at least help in terms of engagement, so I'm going to share those with the quartet if everything goes well

Other: Someone ask Dink for permissions so I can see the server analytics aaaaaa
[Image: synth.png]
Easy +1! Synth has shown that he can handle situations just as well as he used to when he was a mod.
[Image: s1bMrsR.png]
[Image: l4704yy.png]
Easy +1 from me boss. Based off of what I’ve been able to read, and the many conversations we’ve had about discord related bs... you’d be a good fit for the role. You know how to staff without being overzealous and manage to remain calm and collected in most situations (if not all). I wish you luck with this application.
+1 as far as I've seen synth does a great job on the discord.
Former Discord Moderator and Prop Hunt Trusted 2021
Oh synth..... you're still young. There's a chance to turn back before you lose your soul!!!

Kidding aside, from what I've seen on the discord, you're not an obnoxious dickhead about "da rules" of the discord and aren't shutting down anything unless it's an actual serious issue, so good for you on that. Great job on taking the advice from the man who got burned out from taking this shit too seriously, I appreciate that (even if you didn't, still cool you're not making yourself burned out).

Live forth and prosper "simpray." <3

this one is literally common sense. 

+1 He was good discord mod ,  does a great job on the discord.

Good luck simpray.
has a beautiful voice +1 good humon
+1 Synth has been a good boy on the discord server and deserves a promotion. I think he can handle it no doubt
[Image: shshy.gif?width=953&height=149]
(04-25-2021, 10:43 PM)synthray Wrote: Discord Name: synthray

Discord ID: synth#0011

When First Joined(Estimate): Nov 2020
What is your age: 20
What rank are you applying for (Helper or Moderator):  @Staff and @Discord Moderator

What can you do to help the Discord community: I can provide some early assistance to the Discord. Knowing that it has a userbase of ~4,200 it's always nice to have someone "specialized" on the platform with abilities to mantain or improve the server culture.

Why you want to help the Discord community: I dislike being reactive in terms of moderation, so I find motivation in softer/less 'aggresive' methods to reduce the perceived impact on the userbase and help decrease friction on staff. I've found some key topics and actions that might improve the quality of the chat or at least help in terms of engagement, so I'm going to share those with the quartet if everything goes well

Other: Someone ask Dink for permissions so I can see the server analytics aaaaaa
What: I’m not sure what you mean by early assistance, time or are you referring to the proactive instead of reactive bit? 

Why: An argument can be made that deleting abused threads, such as health-and-wellness, reduces impact and friction. Similarly the restricted roles accomplish this by keeping users out of certain channels that they normally might troll or post off topic in. What are your thoughts on these measures and how they interact with the discord moderation guidelines and rules?

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
By "early assistance" I mean that I can provide a (sometimes quick) first reaction to whatever is needed in the Discord. I'm thinking in terms of what I'm doing, which is more of being proactive as a moderator: at first I didn't believe one could find exploits but after thinking out of the box I got to be the first to catch one serious problem and communicated what happened to Jammin and B0T in order to fix it. I see that Battons finally fixed the root cause.

Being reactive is what I dislike in terms of moderation: my perception is that being jumpy or straight on punishments generates more hate on moderators when by my definition they are there to protect the users and aid them. I'm not aware of the context of #deleted-channel, but I'd say that it did not reduce the friction at all and that I could easily see similar issues taking place in other channels.

My opinion is that the Discord Moderator Guidelines present a hint called "broken windows theory", which is kind of effective and as far as I've seen it works, up to a nice extent, but it's prone to the issue of over-moderation. The theory that I want to check and apply here is called POP. The idea is to check for more meaningful changes that will reduce certain key problems and shift the server culture for better.

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