09-10-2021, 05:07 PM
Ingame Name: Jimmy jam The dab Man
Who Banned You: Jammin
Reason For Ban: Killing afks with discumboobs on crummy cradle cause no mods and they had been afk multiple rounds in a row?
Length of Ban: perma
Reason for Admins to Unban: Not a single report was made against me because like i said everyone who was thrown off the edge had been afk for multiple rounds in a row and the only person who ever reported me wasn't killed a singe time by me :(. Also really a perma for massive afks?
Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): Not on here
Who Banned You: Jammin
Reason For Ban: Killing afks with discumboobs on crummy cradle cause no mods and they had been afk multiple rounds in a row?
Length of Ban: perma
Reason for Admins to Unban: Not a single report was made against me because like i said everyone who was thrown off the edge had been afk for multiple rounds in a row and the only person who ever reported me wasn't killed a singe time by me :(. Also really a perma for massive afks?
Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): Not on here