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So yeah I'm a support main(trusted app)
Ingame Name:  Foxka

SteamID:  shidd one sec STEAM_0:0:20327192
Discord Tag: Foxka#1960

Time Played:  Too long, 840 hours or so

When First Joined: 2017

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone):  anytime after 7 EST on weekdays, weekends whenever

Rank Desired: trusted

Current Rank:  moneybags

What can you do to help the community: I can help take care of RDM reports with my extensive knowledge of the rules and have generally good judgement on the gray areas that occur. I have extensive staffing experience, know how to diffuse risque situations, handle trolls, and maintain a safe, fun, and friendly environment for everyone of all origins and placements in life. I excel at gathering evidence and sending it directly to admins/mods rather than making ban request threads. I don't claim to never be emotional, but i think I have a good level head when it comes to intense issues. I also want to emphasize everyone having fun without things being taken too far.

Why you want to help the community: Simply put, after my resurrection I have grown back to loving and caring for this community.

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): No, outside of request

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): Yes, here is my last app -->
Otherwise, I am an ex-admin from 2 years ago so those apps aren't relevant.

How did you find us?:  Server browser after an urge to play TTT again after 8 years or so absence

Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread):  I did this previously, I will be happy to refill the answers if need be

Other:  thank u for your consideration and long live my homies

yes i will happily play league with anyone ;)
I supported the last app, and you’ve only improved since then, and as such I still support this one. +1

Your activity is good, you abide by the rules, and any “confrontations” (I use quotes because it’s such a pedantically dramatic phrase) that have ever involved you have always ended in understanding one another, and making peace of the situation, which is a great trait for a staff member to have. Good job.
+1 hong hit it all, maybe bc he's previous admin we can jump to tmod?... not much difference besides fspec karma etc
Let it be known that I am commenting on behalf of KaptainLes. I am officially neutral, so this is all for Les.

“ I excel at gathering evidence and sending it directly to admins/mods rather than making ban request threads.”

I do not like this and do not think that should be something we should be encouraging. - Les
[Image: gYIxK93.png]
(11-12-2021, 02:06 PM)Raider Hanks Wrote: Let it be known that I am commenting on behalf of KaptainLes. I am officially neutral, so this is all for Les.

“ I excel at gathering evidence and sending it directly to admins/mods rather than making ban request threads.”

I do not like this and do not think that should be something we should be encouraging. - Les
I'll add that it's usually a thing that people will say "hey this guy that was just on did x and should get banned for it" to which I will say "yeah I got proof, random mod, I can send it directly to you instead of making a thread if that's ok" to which the answer is almost always a yes lol. It's not worded properly, it's hard for me to reiterate the same things every time I make a staff app without sounding repetitive. 

Basically, it should be read as "im good at gathering evidence" haha
I think what les mentioned is maybe a part misunderstanding as I think it's more a situation-to-situation basis on whether or not you should bring evidence directly to a mod or post on the forums. It definitely just depends on the situation in my opinion, there's a time and place for it, and overall a good thing to be okay with confrontation.

on foxka, I think they'd be a solid addition to the staff team, they stay alert for troublemakers in game, are active within the community inside and out of TTT, and they already have experience staffing and I feel more confident in them than their last app, my main worry last time is that I couldn't tell if they were someone that was actually going to stick around in the community. It seems like they are and then some, as they have expressed their deep concern on certain community issues in the past. +1
I mean I've sent direct evidence over staff discord to harass mods to just ban instead of going through the effort of a ban req so I can understand what he means. Just not worded properly. Other than that I have no strong opinions one way or the other. My judgmental skills are not the best.
[Image: h4r1WLO.gif]
Project Moon Games
Retired TTT Moderator
03-07-2020 ~ 11-17-2020
Unofficial Retired Murder Test-Moderator
11-06-2019 ~ 11-17-2020
Hey Foxka,

I love that you're making an app to the staff team. Here's my input on this application, and this is to be percieved as nothing more than supportive yet honest feedback:


-Very vocal in the community, lots of presence and history. (Other than a few newbies, I highly doubt there is someone who doesn't know who you are.)
-Staff experience in the past, so you know what you're doing with commands and how to handle reports/ban requests/etc.
-You seem to me that you've mellowed out 

-Because you're vocal, you sometimes can give off the vibe that you are confrontational and that can sometimes cause more harm than good. 
-I am somewhat concerned with how you would handle people you dislike, because as you have stated, you can get emotional at times. Everyone does this though, especially if they truly have passion or enjoy what they're doing. (I JUST WANT TO REITERATE THAT THIS IS NOT AN ATTEMPT OF A PERSONAL ATTACK, JUST HONEST FEEDBACK). 

I'm not going to rehash any dead horses that occured a year ago between us, as I don't care about any of that anymore; as I stated under the PROS, you have mellowed out significantly (AT LEAST FROM MY PERSPECTIVE AND MY INTERACTIONS) so I don't necessarily think that you showing obvious biases against people you dislike will be an issue, but it's just something I was thinking about. This is something everyone has a problem with though because we all have natural biases even if we don't want to admit it.

Overall, you've definitely seemed to made significant strides to be more level headed about situations, which I respect and acknowledge.


I say give Foxka trusted. +1. He's earned it in my books.

EDIT: yeah I didn't even mention this, but it's literally asinine to complain about foxka sending evidence to mods if he has it. It honestly saves the team time and that is more efficient than making a thread that they may not see as quickly.


+1 Already highly experienced, fun person, will be an excellent re-addition to the team

(as for the send evidence to mods directly instead of ban requests thing, im not sure why we dont do this already since 90% of ban reqs are a 30 second youtube video/screenshot and 2 hours later one mod replies locking the thread. what is even the point)
Hey guys, bumping this for additional feedback! Don't be shy

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