03-02-2022, 01:40 PM
In-game Name (please include past names):Wrom
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:79620671
Discord ID & Name:[b]Wrom#5156 & Wrom[/b]
Are you 16+ years old? (Yes/No) Yes im 17 Turning 18 may 31st
Time Played (in hours): 67 hours(i know its short but ill be more active from now on)
When You First Joined DR (Day/Month/Year):26/12/2021
Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone):Pretty much anytime EST
Rank Desired: Trusted
Current Rank: Donor
What more can you do to help the community?:I have previous knowledge staffing dr servers and I can help with the sluring trolls that hop on from time to time just to ruin everyone else's time on the server
Why do you want to help the community?:There isnt alot of dr staff and I would like to make the team stronger and when im on playing sometimes there are people who slur so i feel like I can help that out
Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts. If you have been banned on any of Dinks servers within the past 3 months, your application will automatically be denied.): No I have not
Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): https://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/site/sho...?tid=15828
Do You Have Previous Experience with Staffing a Gaming Server? Yes/No. (If yes, where and what were your responsibilities?) [Previous Experience is not required]
Yes I have I was a staff leader for one of my old dr servers and a head admin before that for the same server so I know what to do and have experience for the position
How did you find us?: I was looking for a new server since my old one went away while i was on my 2 year break
Other: I love this community and everyone else in it and want to make it a better place :)
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:79620671
Discord ID & Name:[b]Wrom#5156 & Wrom[/b]
Are you 16+ years old? (Yes/No) Yes im 17 Turning 18 may 31st
Time Played (in hours): 67 hours(i know its short but ill be more active from now on)
When You First Joined DR (Day/Month/Year):26/12/2021
Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone):Pretty much anytime EST
Rank Desired: Trusted
Current Rank: Donor
What more can you do to help the community?:I have previous knowledge staffing dr servers and I can help with the sluring trolls that hop on from time to time just to ruin everyone else's time on the server
Why do you want to help the community?:There isnt alot of dr staff and I would like to make the team stronger and when im on playing sometimes there are people who slur so i feel like I can help that out
Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts. If you have been banned on any of Dinks servers within the past 3 months, your application will automatically be denied.): No I have not
Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): https://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/site/sho...?tid=15828
Do You Have Previous Experience with Staffing a Gaming Server? Yes/No. (If yes, where and what were your responsibilities?) [Previous Experience is not required]
Yes I have I was a staff leader for one of my old dr servers and a head admin before that for the same server so I know what to do and have experience for the position
How did you find us?: I was looking for a new server since my old one went away while i was on my 2 year break
Other: I love this community and everyone else in it and want to make it a better place :)
Ex- TTT Mod
Dong's Favorite Tmod