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PH Admin Application
Ingame Name: chelllman

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:104538552

Time Played: 505 hrs at the time of writing this which was a few days before posting.

When First Joined: March 2021

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): Typically in the evenings between 6 - 11 pm EST.  However, the nature of my work allows me to play whenever I want.  My work is project based with no set hours.  So long as projects are completed on schedule, my work hours don't matter.  I've taken to playing in the mornings EST as of late.

Rank Desired: Admin

Current Rank: Moderator

What can you do to help the community?: Since before I first joined the staff team, I've watched how higher staff analyze and deal with situations that occur on the PH server and the forums.  This, combined with experiences from my personal life (such as being a teacher), allow me to manage complex situations fairly and objectively.  Most importantly, I listen to and value the opinions of others in our community.  PH has also lost quite a bit of higher staff recently.  As they've said in all their resignations, there was no singular event that made them leave; rather, it was time to move on to greener pastures.  As such, the PH staff team has been greatly reduced, and we no longer have our staff trainers.  I will step up to the plate to serve as a staff trainer as fresh staff join the team.

It should come as no surprise to any of you that gmod is dying a slow death by a thousand cuts.  I intend to squeeze every last ounce of playability from this game before it goes to it's final, endless slumber.  The best thing we can do for the PH community is breathe new life into it with fresh content.  Currently, I'm going through hammer editor tutorials so that I can fix issues with new maps, so hopefully I'll be able to get some new maps (or heavily modified old maps!) into rotation.  For example: ph_backyard is a widely loved map by the regulars, but the map has been so exhaustively played that new players have 0 chance of surviving because every corner of the map has been memorized.  Completely redoing default prop placements, adding a section or two, and modifying an existing section or two would still keep the fun style of the map, but force everyone to completely relearn the map.

No idea is set in stone, but addition of week/monthly challenges, monthly/quarterly crates, community events, etc. are other things I want to explore to keep the server "fresh" and fun.  Of course, some changes will require help from Dinkleberg, but Dink eventually responds to requests/ideas.  However, once we get the bulk of the content on the server, it can be rotated seasonally without too much help from Dink.  For example, changing a fall crate to a winter crate doesn't require any help from dink once the content is on the server.

I recognize that joining the admin team means that I will become exposed to some terrible content.  The admin team must act as a shield for the community and deal with controversial situations before they get out of hand.  I firmly believe that I will be able to rise to this task.

Why do you want to help the community?: I love this community.  Many of my good friends came from this community, and I'm eternally grateful that I've met so many wonderful people.  In a way, I guess that I joined the staff team as a way of giving back to the community.  This community would quickly be overrun by malicious individuals without the teams of staff for all the servers.  I'm proud to have been able to help this community survive and thrive.

Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): All of my bans are joke bans.  I have not had a serious bans.

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts):

Trusted - Accepted

Test Mod - Accepted

Moderator - Accepted

Do you have a way to record video or take screenshots? I record 100% of my time on the PH server using OBS, and I use the windows snipping tool for screenshots.

How did you find us?: Dinks had the most players on one day in March 2021.


1. Multiple PH Admins

PH is too large a community to have a single admin without the risk of severe burnout setting in.  Fish was a super star for handling it by himself for a long time before Pixie joined the admin team.  I have no desire to be the sole admin of PH, and while I knew I wanted to apply for admin at some point, I don't think any of us expected PH admin resignations.  I believe that PH should have a minimum of two admins, and I believe that @Ryzif is the best choice to be admin alongside me.  While Ryzif and I agree on many things, we think differently and have many times bounced ideas off each other when difficult situations have come up.  He has significant ties to TTT which is the other powerhouse server in our community; this makes him the perfect liaison and ambassador for the PH community.  In the past, there has been a disconnect between the two communities.  Having one PH admin who is also staff on TTT is a benefit in my opinion. 

In short:
My technical skills will complement his personability, and hopefully we will be able to keep the PH server a safe and fun environment for new and old players alike.  Ryzif and I will split the work evenly; I'll focus more on serverside issues while Ryzif acts as the front face of the admin team.  We would split all work for the forums evenly.

2. Why apply now? Why not have the PH mod council do everything?
Currently, we only have 4 mods: Ryzif, Possum, Koshka, and myself.

Some of the community engagement ideas that Ryzif and I have brainstormed require the ability to modify the pointshop. 
Pixie has assured us that she is open to helping us if we have any questions. 
Additionally, she gave Ryzif and I some training on how to perform changes in the pointshop and use the admin panel through the forums.

As always, comments, questions, constructive criticisms, etc. are welcome.

Being an admin requires you to be very thick skinned, people will say things to you that you could wish you would unhear. Friendships might fall apart, you might get heavily criticized, and you can't make everyone happy. I would do some deep thinking and make sure you are truely prepared for what might be ahead if you do get the role. Being an admin is more than just adding content or resolving issues, for all intents and purposes you are the face of that portion of the community.

One big thing that cannot really be taught by anyone is knowing when something is best for the server and when to admit you made a mistake.

I believe that to be a great leader you need to be willing to step back and recognize faults, and not just bullet pointing things you can do better "oh I can do this more" or "I could be more active" etc. Most importantly you need to think about the best tomorrow and how you can get your team and players there.

I can't answer any of these things and they are entirely yours to search for, I don't want you to respond or answer anything in a reply to me, I just want to set the groundwork for how I think you can be the best version of yourself in a higher position. Best of luck my friend.
The local Sega & Sonic fanatic.
[Image: JCMB8GH.jpeg]
This is a copy and paste from my DMs when Battons asked me for potential candidates. Changes in activities or actions by these individuals may have changed given the different dates.

Battons — 05/12/2022
Hey fish

Could I ask your opinion on who has potential to be next ph admin/s?

TheUltraFish — 05/12/2022 (this response comes several hours after he asked)
That is an interesting thought and I had to think about it after you asked me before responding.

There are three candidates that I think of that are active in the ph community as well as Dinkleberg's as a whole. Those 3 are UnfortunatepossumRyzif, and chelllman.
Possum would have the most experience in this community, she knows when to ask questions, is relatively active on the server as well as the discords not so much on forums but there hasn't been much going on that would concern her. She would be able to face the tough times to come however I believe she would need help with the tougher decisions and I think she is not exactly the biggest people person towards all individuals. However, that could be beneficial depending on what situation she has to face.

Ryzif, everyone knows and loves. For those who do not love, generally they are undesirables. However, the prospect of PH has become a job for him and he really only gets on when pinged. If he becomes admin for PH his staff roles for other places like TTT and discord would become lessened. Not to mention there could be conflicts of interests which could lead to accidental looks of tyrannical behavior even if he follows protocols to the letter. Having someone who is a bit more active on server because they want to be could be better.

Battons[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)] — 05/12/2022
I hadn’t even thought of possum

I don’t interact with her too much

TheUltraFish[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)] — 05/12/2022
Last but certainly not least is chelllman. He has the least amount of experience however I think for PH he is the most known by everyone new and old that is relatively active on the server/discord/forums. He still has the energy and fire that he would try his best as admin. He would need help along the way and I think PH has a good staff support structure at the moment where he would not be alone. The biggest issue is that he is inexperienced in the higher ranks and has not had to handle dealings with Dink, taking control on the forums, and facing the toxicity that the community and the server have to offer especially when it comes to the pedo cases that have become waaaay too common in our community despite our best attempts to smite them. I believe he has what it takes with help but his inexperience is too question. He generally vibes pretty well with everyone on the server/discord side of things. He is also busy in real life at times but he makes everyone aware of that.

Battons[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)] — 05/12/2022
If it was up to you
Who would you pick?

TheUltraFish — 05/12/2022
I would make it up in such a way so that it wouldn't be solely up to me.

Battons[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)] — 05/12/2022
Interesting, I just want to make sure there’s a couple in the running for the next admins
I wasn’t expecting the chellman rep

TheUltraFish — 05/12/2022

i could see any of those three doing it
[Image: 64017c939475b62a042ca559d80eb3fc-png.jpg]

Important Memes                                                Make sure to make the day.                       
Matt is Matt
Monke Resign 
Staffing in 2021 
Fish Fun
Travis Army
I will try to be as unbiased for this response as Chelll you are my friend and met outside of the Dink community but our friendship grew while being in it. Simple answer is you got my support and my +1

Now for my reasoning is that you and I both started to staff together and we were both new to the ph staffing scene and it was a new experience for both of us. I saw how you handled the server and how much you cared and loved staffing. I always Loved staffing along you and saw how well you were doing your job and how well and efficient you climbed the ranks and how well you interacted with the community itself. Kind of ironic from your trusted app that you would never move up ranks now your application for Admin shows that with time things change for the better or for the worse. I believe that everyone has seen your growth as amazing staff member from how well you are able to communicate your point across so that everyone has a clear understanding (even if you are used as a constant scapegoat) I digress. My time staffing with you; you always seem so focused and relaxed and compassionate. You are here to help others and the community and have great communication with both. From asking questions, having second opinions, getting help when needed, and importantly having a break from staffing are good representations of a person dedicated to their craft. I do believe that you will be a good admin and have a good grasp while doing so from your track record. We climbed up the rank together but this step I will not able to follow you for personal reasons for now, but for damn sure you will have my support and help when needed. 
Best of luck...
~Koshka...your tabasco sauce. 
[Image: helluva-boss.gif]

I have no idea what your etiquette is like on the server, but I know from my interactions with you as a person, I believe you that "it" factor that someone in charge needs. When you say something, people will gravitate towards your take on the situation and rally to support you. That's not something that can be taught. You have a passion for this community, and I would love to see you take your talents to the next level as an admin.

Do not think that you are someone who is incapable of being admin. Trust yourself and you will do a great job.

To be honest I did expected to see an Admin app from Chelll but more in the future(like 6+ months after getting mod)  

But even with this Chelllman has shown great feets in terms of staffing in Dinks.  Koshka brought up things about Chelll that I also agree with.  Even if this app was made when Chelll was a Tmod(which was around the time me and Chelll communicated the most) I would have even supported a jump from tmod to admin.

Good activity, highly known in the community, quick to respond to issues and to help others

And easy candidate for admin +1
Having played with Chelll in Murder, PH, and outside of dinks, I do think Chelll is a great fit for admin. There's no question that he know the rules, punishes fairly, is respectful and mature at all times, and promotes a great experience wherever he goes.

The only downside, as Fish pointed out, is the inexperience. Chelll has only been Mod a few months so far, and while yes he's done an incredible job, he could definitely take more time to be seasoned. That being said though, since it's already clear that he's capable, maybe a step up wouldn't hurt him.

Overall I'm a +1.

Best of luck, my dude!
[Image: ErQ4M8K.jpg] 

chellman will make a good pairing with Ryzif.+1 to hcell, and +1 to ryzif. I think if its these two at the helm, we will be in good hands
Incepimus, Nunc et semper.
This means that "we begin, now and forever", and translates as "always we begin again"
What this actually means is that we should always strive to better ourselves, because tomorrow is a new day.
I hope you take it to heart. Remember, an improvement, no matter how small, is improvement.

I did play with chellman in Murder, ph also we are talking in discord. I do believe Chellman is a great fit for admin. He's an absolute professional. He's very friendly to players despite if they're trolling or not and will help them regardless of what they've done. Unbiased punishments. I would love to see him taking his  talents to the next level as an admin.

Good of luck. Also ,stop  calling me hamster smh.
I believe chellman is more then ready to handle Admin, I've never quite played with chell or its rare as I haven't played ph in a hot minute lol

Anyways +1 for me as well
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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.