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I said I would never do this, but here I am.
Ingame Name: chibill

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:92904246
Discord Tag: chibill#0427

Time Played: 185 hours according to game tracker.

When First Joined:   Apr 13, 2022 6:42 PM (I had previously been playing on the PH for around a month before that.)

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): I normally play after work on weekdays on and off between 4pm-ish until around 11 pm-ish CST. On weekends I am generally on at sort of random times throughout the day.

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Regular

What can you do to help the community:   I also am generally all ways recording when I play on the server so can and have provided evidence for ban requests when appropriate. I also have read over the staff guidelines a few times and would be able to properly handle the RDM reports. I also believe I would be able to handle situations the would require other forms of staff intervention such as people using slurs, spamming text chat and/or voice chat. 

Why you want to help the community: This is sort of a weird question since, why wouldn't I want to help the community. But in short the main reason is that in the "short" time that I have been playing on this server I have found it to be very enjoyable except for the times where people broke the rules to ruin it for everyone. (Mic Spam, the few aim-bots and other weird things that have had staff have to intervene more then just RDM) Well, if I can take part and help prevent things like this in the future for other players by just  give up a little bit of my time when why not. 

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): Never

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): Never

How did you find us?: Initially found the Dinkleberg PH server then heard about the TTT server and started playing.

Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread): Yes

Other: I have pervious staff experience on a MC server where I was part of staff for around a year and a half before stepping down due to college. (On that server Mods and Admins were voted in my the community directly, initially.)  For reference just so you know I am not making this up. I know this doesn't show much but it is some form of experience even though it was a long time ago. (When I was also that much younger.)

I unfornately have very little activity in the discord and forums since I am rarely on discord when I am actually on the server. But if I am home if there is an issue that would require the on call staff ping to happen I would most likely be able to get on and possibly handle the situation. (Depending on if as a Trusted I have the tools needed for that situation.)
Chibill is a great regular with a good head on his shoulders. Others will probably want more participation on the forums and discord, but you have definitely helped out a lot on the backend with evidence on a few things.

+1. I honestly thought you were around a lot longer than that, so if this app doesn't go through this time around don't be discouraged from trying again in a month or two.
Hi chibill!

I think that you would be an excellent member of the team. You've shown that you can provide meaningful evidence that help get rid of people who have caused us problems. 

I'll be honest, I don't really feel that your discord/forum presence is a reason to hold you back from joining our team. There probably isn't a single person who regularly plays on server who doesn't know who you are; if you plan to move further up the ladder though, you should have a little more engagement on the forums.

That's really the only negative I have towards you right now; everything else about you is rock solid!

I give you my support on this application, best of luck to you chibill!

The guy knows how ban requests work, knows how to collect evidence and is one of the friendliest people on server. There's not anything to complain about, plus: Trusted IS a trial role.

Huge +1.

psst, I asked him about it the other day so It's my fault he's doing it :trollface: 
super friendly can do great things I think will be a good fit for the staff team +1
[Image: D6E0C93A-D285-4C99-B7AB-C616869240B2.jpg...2d0fbf6a9&][Image: 86DBE62D-5EE5-47F0-9E4C-DE5FA0541D5B.jpg...d2ef8e0e3&]
Ex- TTT Mod
Dong's Favorite Tmod
+1 glad to see you applying man hope the best for your app

dude is active, friendly with everyone, and records everytime he plays. go green
Retired gay boy
Yes I still play!!
[Image: image.png]
Whether you do or don't get it on this app, I do believe you have good qualities for staff and will get it eventually. You record, you've provided evidence of harassment/weird comments etc, and you treat everyone pretty nicely I'd say. Easy +1
Chibill has shown to be a fun member to play with and I do believe their behavior and recents acts to help staff has proven him worthy.

I'd say I do agree for an approval of Trusted
Chibill has been nice, respectful, and helpful every time I've been on the server. He can get a little tilted when he gets RDMed, but I can't be mad at him for that. I, personally, don't care about his activity on the Discord server (because it's a cesspool of garbage), and his posts on the forums, although not many, were made to better the server, either with his opinion or with evidence.

This is an easy +1, and I hope to be able to staff with Chibill soon.
I'm neutral.
You've been good in server and know the rules. Never cause issues/etc.
I'm concerned about the lack of ban requests (though the one you posted is good) and community engagement on forums/in discord. It's hard to tell if you'd make a good staff just because I don't know much about your judgement making. Improving in these areas would help us know more.
Best of luck with your application!
[Image: dan_ceebeast_gif.gif]

Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
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