11-04-2022, 05:41 PM
Offender's Name:
Offender's SteamID:
What Server(s):
Offender's Rank:
What They Did:
Abused their powers to quickly give a slay without understanding the entire situation, and refusing to look more into the situation. This is not the first time Damien has abused his powers and been trigger-happy with assigning slays. He assigned the slay and then immediately moved on.
This is the situation: There was a gunfight with a lot of people dying. Caribou, a guy named Zonda (?), and a handful of people were left over after the gunfight. I was walking around identifying bodies, and got randomly shot by Zonda. Zonda and Caribou were standing immediately right next to each other, and while Zonda was shooting, Caribou kept aiming at me and walked away. I killed both Zonda and Caribou; Zonda for shooting me (obviously) and Caribou for a) not identifying bodies after the fight, and b) not shooting the other guy who was shooting at me and KOSed. I explained the situation to Damien but he refused to think about anything other than "Caribou didn't shoot you." There are many more reasons to be KOSed than just shooting someone, and I believe the situation and Caribou's actions did more than enough to warrant a KOS.
When They Did It:
11/4/2022 - 3PM Pacific
Potential Witnesses:
Potentially any of these people
Proof (You must have VIDEO and/or Multiple Screenshots as proof*):
Offender's SteamID:
What Server(s):
Offender's Rank:
What They Did:
Abused their powers to quickly give a slay without understanding the entire situation, and refusing to look more into the situation. This is not the first time Damien has abused his powers and been trigger-happy with assigning slays. He assigned the slay and then immediately moved on.
This is the situation: There was a gunfight with a lot of people dying. Caribou, a guy named Zonda (?), and a handful of people were left over after the gunfight. I was walking around identifying bodies, and got randomly shot by Zonda. Zonda and Caribou were standing immediately right next to each other, and while Zonda was shooting, Caribou kept aiming at me and walked away. I killed both Zonda and Caribou; Zonda for shooting me (obviously) and Caribou for a) not identifying bodies after the fight, and b) not shooting the other guy who was shooting at me and KOSed. I explained the situation to Damien but he refused to think about anything other than "Caribou didn't shoot you." There are many more reasons to be KOSed than just shooting someone, and I believe the situation and Caribou's actions did more than enough to warrant a KOS.
When They Did It:
11/4/2022 - 3PM Pacific
Potential Witnesses:
Potentially any of these people
Proof (You must have VIDEO and/or Multiple Screenshots as proof*):