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institute a max upper ping limit
kick anybody on ttt with over 180 ping, playing against somebody with that ping is like trying to fight a hacker
lol Not having fun trying to kill Jawa with his near 400 ping? :P
[Image: oWCbLWL.png]
i'm not having fun fighting anybody that is either a 4nr or playing on their 56k manmade dial up. max ping limits are something that is sorely lacking on this server that is actually needed
180 seems really low, but I could see a 300+ limit
I agree that current hitreg is terrible when it comes to compensating for high ping players but we shouldn't kick for it unless it's like 300+ and completely unplayable.

Also, maybe this is just me, but I don't think many players are joining TTT for a competitive experience. There are a handful regulars from overseas countries that have 150-200 ping and it would be kind of silly to prevent them from playing just to give the win farmers 1 less excuse for losing a game.
erm ban anyone who sweats too much in ttt
[Image: TWQlDjL.png] 
-courtesy of a sarcastic fish

[Image: t2X0SiD.png]
-courtesy of milk(2)
bump but make it 120
what about caribou
we can make an exception and grandfather all the regulars
ban australia

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