1:08 Gøřd́øñ Řâm̃şâŷ playing racist audio through their mic (gagged by Carson)
1:58 Gøřd́øñ Řâm̃şâŷ says, "cry Odd Fellow" (muted by Carson)
09:35 Gøřd́øñ Řâm̃şâŷ again with a racist song...
13:06 413X "Shut yo bitch ass up"
13:24 413X weird noises in the mic
14:10 a bunch of peopling trolling "You're not muted"
15:15 AlexBlair keeps "singing" in the mic
15:18 jessie420lean and luvperkks telling AlexBlair to shut up
15:35 Gøřd́øñ Řâm̃şâŷ says, "n1gger" in chat (muted by Carson)
15:56 (Carson kicks Gøřd́øñ Řâm̃şâŷ for ("Slurs and shit") He joins right back.
16:00 413X again with the muting trolling
16:39 Gøřd́øñ Řâm̃şâŷ again with the racist songs.... (kicked by Carson for "Racism and shit") He joins right back.
16:52 413X ghosting "Last one is a chair"
17:42 413X trolling again "Alex you're not muted be quiet" (gagged by Carson)
20:47 Gøřd́øñ Řâm̃şâŷ yet again with the racism "songs"... (kicked by Carson "racism and shit. i will gladly keep kicking you.") He joins back again..
21:55 SimpleSimon trolling saying they can't hear someone
21:58 Gøřd́øñ Řâm̃şâŷ a soundboard that repeats the hard r n slur (kicked by Carson "racism and shit") He joins right back
23:06 413X weird noise in the mic
23:39 RealWolfMan6000 "can we have esex?"
24:40 RealWolfMan6000 mic spam "x man x man x man..."
25:59 Gøřd́øñ Řâm̃şâŷ playing the ISIS "song"... (kicked by Carson "racist") He joins back.
26:36 Gøřd́øñ Řâm̃şâŷ playing the ISIS "song" again... (kicked by Carson "Řâm̃şâŷ") He joins back.
27:00 RealWolfMan6000 mic spam
28:10 SimpleSimon mic spam
28:22 Gøřd́øñ Řâm̃şâŷ ear-bleeding noise in the mic...(kicked by Carson) He joins back
28:55 RealWolfMan6000 player disrespect, "Carson is a loserrrr"
30:12 SimpleSimon mic spam/trolling, "yo AlexBlair" over and over
30:45 SimpleSimon ghosting, "Alex is in the white car in the street"
31:01 RealWolfMan6000 mic spam, playing audio through their mic
31:28 Gøřd́øñ Řâm̃şâŷ pedo shit..., "carson the cocksucker" (muted by Carson)
32:02 SimpleSimon "SHUT THE FUCK UP" in chat
32:39 RealWolfMan6000 screams in the mic, "200??? YALL SOME LOSERSSS" (gagged by Carson)
35:55 SimpleSimon, "You don't have to mute him because he's a minority"
37:17 413X keeps asking for someone to be ungagged
40:18 413X again asking for them to be unagged
41:15 413X again....asking about having them ungagged. Tried to "reason" with Carson why they said what they did. (gagged by Carson)
42:31 413X player disrepsect/ "n*ggas like you get no pussy.
42:40 RealWolfMan6000 player disrespect, "stfu" (muted by Carson)
42:48 413X player disrespect, "bro hes being responable ur such a bitch" (muted by Carson)
43:23 SimpleSimon player disrespect, "stfu demo"
44:00 RealWolfMan6000, 413X, and SimpleSimon punishment evasion
44:58 RealWolfMan6000 player disrespect, "carson so weird ngl" (muted by Carson)
45:05 413X "ur muting for stupid ass reasons" (muted by Carson)
45:10 RealWolfMan6000 punishment evasion again...
46:15 413X punishment evasion
47:41 SimpleSimon, "yo carson smfd" (muted by Carson)
- Gøřd́øñ Řâm̃şâŷ: +1 on a perma ban for minge, racism, some pedo shit, and punishment evasion. All they do is try to get attention doing racist shit. They already have a previous ban for the same shit.
- 413X: +1 for a temp ban for trolling, player disrespect, and punishment evasion. No previous bans.
- SimpleSimon: +1 for a temp ban for player disrespect. No previous bans.
- RealWolfMan6000: +1 for being overly toxic, saying questionable shit, player disrespect, and punishment evasion. No previous bans.
God AlexBlair needs to use headphones. His Audio echos the server so bad...