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Application for Trusted
Ingame Name: BrokenPiano

Discord Tag: 16 times the detail#6700

Time Played: 116 Hours

When First Joined: Late 2022, early 2023

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): Generally 6-9 PM PST M-F and some weekends

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank:  Regular

What can you do to help the community: Provide assistance to staff during busier server times 

Why you want to help the community: The community is fun and engaging. Most of my Gmod playtime is TTT so I feel as though I found a community that I fit in well with and have fun with the others. I feel as though I play often enough that I can lend a helping hand when staff aren't available. 
Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts):  No

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): N/A

How did you find us?: Server Browser

Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread):  Yes

Other: This application came from a push by Skullfire. He offered a supportive word and suggested that I apply, and for that I truly appreciate him.

I was previously a staff member of a now defunct server called Fearsome Gaming for sometime between 2016-2018ish. I will openly admit to provide transparency that I was demoted from my position due to admin abuse. I personally believe the matter was due to a misunderstanding and will not reoccur should my application be approved here. Some of the members here were at one point members of the FG server, so it's nice to see them as a part of this new server.

Anyways, I appreciate the time you all take to invite me to the server so openly and warmly and would like to thank you all for your time!
im -1 generally due to forum and discord presence, you'll talk once every few days/weeks in discord (which imo isn't really active) and are completely absent on forums
don't really remember much about you in game wise tho, but i feel like you personally dont stand out in any way that makes me think "this guy should be trusted"!
+0 because you are a person I see on the server relatively often and you don't have any issues, but as voidzz said you don't have much community presence. Many regulars on the server don't actively post in the forums or Discord so it can be weird to work with both halves of the community. I do think you have potential tho, so good luck!
**I don't play TTT, so I'm not +1/-1/0ing this application, but I want to provide some feedback**
In my personal opinion, your application seems very low effort and lacks the information I would want to see if I was an Admin. The What can you do to help the community question was just answered as, "Provide assistance to staff during busier server times". What does that mean though? What can you do as staff to help out regarding RDMing, mic spammers, hackers, etc? This answer seems very vague, and not thorough enough. I would expand on this in greater detail.
The Why you want to help the community question you answered, "The community is fun and engaging. Most of my Gmod playtime is TTT so I feel as though I found a community that I fit in well with and have fun with the others. I feel as though I play often enough that I can lend a helping hand when staff aren't available.". While it's great you found a community you fit will in, but why exactly do you want to take the leap into staffing? Helping staff is great when/if they need it, but why do you want to, and what have you done to take the next step into becoming staff? To me this doesn't really answer this question. 

In my personal opinion I would edit your application with greater detail with some expanding supporting responses to the staff application questions. I am not trying to sound rude by any means, just trying to help you out. If you don't make it this time around, don't let it get to you. You can always reapply 30 days after a staff application is closed. 

Good luck with your application! :) 
(04-23-2023, 10:38 PM)Harmless_Potato Wrote:
**I don't play TTT, so I'm not +1/-1/0ing this application, but I want to provide some feedback**
In my personal opinion, your application seems very low effort and lacks the information I would want to see if I was an Admin. The What can you do to help the community question was just answered as, "Provide assistance to staff during busier server times". What does that mean though? What can you do as staff to help out regarding RDMing, mic spammers, hackers, etc? This answer seems very vague, and not thorough enough. I would expand on this in greater detail.
In my personal opinion I would edit your application with greater detail with some expanding supporting responses to the staff application questions. I am not trying to sound rude by any means, just trying to help you out. If you don't make it this time around, don't let it get to you. You can always reapply 30 days after a staff application is closed. 

Good luck with your application! :) 

I don't take any offense in what you said, in fact I truly appreciate it. You make some very valid points and I thank you for you clear and constructive feed back. Admittedly, my application was rushed as it was midnight my time and Demon Skullfire more or less had a gun against my head telling me to apply lmao.

To provide additional information to your question, given my previous history as staff at a different server, I believe I am familiar with a number of staff commands and would feel confident in being able to moderate and manage the server by myself, regardless of other staff presence. I would provide assistance in dealing with reports while I'm playing on the server, handle unruly players whether that requires actions such as slays, gags, kicks, etc.

I'm under the impression that since it is a lower staff position, I won't have access to all commands such as handling bans, but I would do my best to gather pertinent information and proof through whatever means necessary. Logs, video recordings, and/or potential witnesses if it comes down to it.

I found that I enjoyed my time as staff previously, which is the ultimate factor in deciding to apply, to answer your question as to why.

Again, genuinely thank you for your time in providing feedback.
-1, same concern, you don't have much activity in the main discord and the forums to be able to meet the criteria which is a very easy problem to solve. In the thread, "How to: Promotion," one of the requirements is to have a mild level of engagement outside of the ttt server. Your forums account is barely made and doesn't have much besides this application. Discord wise, you talk rarely but have seemed to engage in it. The other part concerning this application is just due to the responses to the questions. If it were to be fleshed out more, it would aide in your application heavily. You can look at examples through the TTT staff applications on accepted applications to get a good idea on what you can do to expand, include, or even demonstrate to push your application out more. If this application is denied, I would recommend these as a priority to fix if you are to reapply again. 
  • Have more activity in the forums/discord side of the community.
  • Flesh out your application with aide from various examples through the approved section of TTT Staff Applications.
  • Provide and detail what you can do + detail a few examples of rules to demonstrate the knowledge of the TTT rules. 
  • Provide an Introductory Thread on the forums to push yourself out more to the community. 
Good luck with your application BrokenPiano!
should probably have a conclusion to this since it has been up for awhile, but I agree with what everyone else said
Tbh I think Broken is a cool guy and could handle the position. He is very active or was from when I was on last and could be a good help to our community. The point I do not quite understand is why Broken is being penalized for not having much forums or Discord activity. We have accepted people into the team that have not had activity on these platforms before but this is a chance to learn and get more engaged as staff. Not everyone is as social in terms of always posting on forums and Discord. (Myself included) I am +1ing this application because I do not think Broken would be a bad addition to the team!
+1 but cant bhop so more like +.5
(05-31-2023, 05:03 PM)Syn Wrote: +1 but cant bhop so more like +.5
I am far too lazy to set a bind to my scroll wheel to jump. So I use spacebar and it is asshole.

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