09-10-2023, 07:00 AM
Offender's Name: queenofmycastle
Offender's SteamID: Queenofmycastle(STEAM_0:1:425331386)
Potential Witnesses: KPS, Mag
Reason to Ban: Hack, false kos. Also rdm and threats to dox, but I couldn't get a recording of that
Proof: https://streamable.com/kqk1lx
Offender's SteamID: Queenofmycastle(STEAM_0:1:425331386)
Potential Witnesses: KPS, Mag
Reason to Ban: Hack, false kos. Also rdm and threats to dox, but I couldn't get a recording of that
Proof: https://streamable.com/kqk1lx