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as admin, i pledge to !ungag otis
Since I was directly mentioned in a poorly made attempt at a dinkle conspiracy I guess I'll bite. I'll reply to each section to the best of my ability.

                                                                                                          Section 1

If you don't want to get rdmed and you get rdmed, you make a report. If someone does something you don't like you're allowed to dislike what they do, and if you someone reports it to someone it'll get handled! This isn't a new concept in any game, especially a gmod community server.

I do beatbox sometimes on the server and when people tell me it's annoying or to stop, I stop. Very comparable to moaning on the microphone in a sexual manor when there could be minors on the server obviously /s. If this was a big server issue I would've gotten a message directly to cease beatboxing all together from an admin (which obviously hasn't happened). 

                                                                     Section 2

Nobody is being a "keyboard warrior" for tiefling at all and it's really disingenuous to label everyone disagreeing with you on an internet forum as such. If anyone would like to say their grievances about tiefling without "being a target" just message one of the admins discreetly on discord since that's the easiest way to reach them. That "being a target" line screams cry wolf to me because a lot of people in this community just disagree with things people say. 

                                                                                                                Section 3

If you don't break a rule, the staff team won't punish you! A wild concept right? Reviving an inno is Teaming if no-one reports and tiefling made a mistake like any human would. Staff are not emotionless robots who methodically calculate everything in an instant and make no imperfections, they're humans like everyone else who are imperfect. It's wild that I even have to say this lmao. Even your favorite staff members make mistakes (like lacer, fuck that guy).

                                                                                                                 Section 4

In my humble opinion, tiefling does a fantastic job of understanding where people come from on most situations. She isn't supposed to make peace with anyone who isn't civil with her, she's allowed to dislike anyone she wants to as long as it does not impact her ability to staff in an unbiased manner. If she doesn't want to interact with anyone outside of giving them warns she is also allowed to. A cashier at McDonald's is allowed to serve a customer a diabetes inducing meal without interacting with them so why aren't we extending the same courtesy to a staff member in a video game community in a video game from 2006?

                                                                                                                          Section 5

I feel like a big portion of tiefling's opposition have a clear bias on why they don't feel comfortable with her staffing. She doesn't take shit from anyone and isn't edgy which is a bad clash for a garry's mod server considering the community garry's mod has, but I'd rather the community behave and not say things they wouldn't say at work or at a school at least publicly. Keep your edgy shit to yourselves and your private discords, and at the end of the day remember that this is a game where you shoot traitors. We don't need this petty bs.
(01-10-2024, 01:51 AM)Unhinged Widdy Wrote: snip so i dont clog the page up
correlation =! causation, them being friends did not cause them to downvote your post. Your post is full of extremely biased commentary and you straight up lied about a warn you got that had no reason to be talked about in the thread anyways

also labelling people that disagree with you as a keyboard warrior for tiefling is a horrible generalization my man
[Image: conspiracy.png?ex=65b0c1ce&is=659e4cce&h...7b2ce2ff0&]
(01-10-2024, 02:56 AM)Wende Wrote: Picture
Ok that shit was pretty funny, give this girl a raise asap!
For the sake of brevity in an already long thread, I'll do my best to avoid points that others have already addressed (cult behavior fr) and ignore the senseless fearmongering.

(01-09-2024, 11:59 PM)Unhinged Widdy Wrote:
Section 1 - Biased Behavior
I good amount of people I have spoken with are heavily against the idea of you getting this position due to biases they have either seen third person or actually witnessed themselves. The mentality that you have in-game is a good reflection of how you would be on the throne and that's just worrying. As a short example I can include you T-Baiting and swinging barrels near people on flood lights and having a laugh, but if someone you don't personally care for does the same exact thing to you it is grounds for an autoslay.

Same logic applies with use of commands! One of the people who I actually helped get trusted assumed that I was moaning in my mic when I was trying to say something before getting cut off by dying (Cause he heard 0.5 seconds of what I was saying as I got mowed down). This only happened conveniently the same day you warned me for the same thing even though it was a completely different circumstance. Also when this player is beatboxing in his mic, you will jokingly say stop instead of taking action. Now picture this I make some short but disruptive sound of the same nature, than you would use that as grounds for a micspam warn.
Holding a non-explosive barrel near someone is, objectively speaking, not t-baiting. I've never reported anyone for holding a barrel near me, and anyone I've reported for prop rdming me is dealt with by whatever other staff is on. If I accidentally kill someone with a prop who I don't know was okay with it, I do my best to inform them and ask them if they want me slain. If someone reports someone else for prop rdm, I will handle the report like any other report.

As I've said previously, I have in fact warned Damien for mic spam before. When Damien gets told to stop doing something, he stops doing it and it's no longer an issue. When someone else gets warned for something, he doesn't proceed to do the thing they got warned for. If he did, it would be handled the same as anyone else, and if you feel this is not the case then I urge you to contact an admin about it or make an abuse report with evidence.

(01-09-2024, 11:59 PM)Unhinged Widdy Wrote:
Section 3 - Finding reasons to punish people
It goes without saying if you are having a bad enough day that it may have influence on your actions, then you probably should choose to step back and take a breather rather than let it become an issue to everybody else on the server. There are days I will see you come on and issue warns left and right. Something on the server that will be common as a joke when many friends are around is a T defibbing an Inno (Which I should add almost never adds a game delay). You took the liberty of getting someone banned for this with awarns rather than talking it out or maybe leaving a verbal warn. You need to have that mindset of when someone is going off script and not jump to conclusions without analyzing the situation first.
If I'm having a bad day, the last thing I'm doing is getting on TTT to get harassed and deal with this sort of shit flinging. If people break the rules, they get warned, that's just how it is. I don't control the rate at which ttt players break the rules.

The example you used is extremely ironic, considering I like both Nash and Otis, which directly contradicts your accusations of bias. I specifically double checked the staff guidelines to make sure that it didn't fall under the lower point moderate teaming warn. Which, to remind you, killing traitors after being defibbed by one as an innocent is not the same as simply defibbing an inno and killing them at the end of the round. If I were biased, I could have easily ignored the guidelines and given players that I liked a lower point warn or not warned them at all.

(01-09-2024, 11:59 PM)Unhinged Widdy Wrote:
Section 4 - Not trying to understand people
If someone that you don't particularly like tried to patch things up or at least try to know you on better terms, you will flat out refuse to even say anything back to them or acknowledge that they are trying to make things civil. You can pick to dislike anyone for any reason, but you should at least make an effort to know your community better rather than just interact with someone for the sole purpose of issuing warns. This also ties into communication standards. Your job as a moderator is to be open to help anyone who is present on the community. If it takes a literal thread to be created on the forum like a ticket request, that is an issue.
I will gladly resolve any staffing related issues brought to me regardless of who it's from, but on a personal level, I am absolutely under no obligation whatsoever to go out of my way to make personal amends with someone who has repeatedly harassed me and spread misinformation about me.
[Image: gBkzZod.png]
Tiefling has made great strides since her first trusted app. She was receptive of feedback throughout all of her past threads and has ended up being a great above okay moderator since.

I have to call out people for having issues with Tiefling not using a mic. I know there's only a handful of comments here about it, but it has been brought up elsewhere so I believe it's still a point of contention here. Yeah, having voice chat is helpful for TTT gameplay, but I can't come up with a solid justification that requires it to perform admin duties. Also, everyone here has surely experienced women receiving a disproportionate amount of harassment online over voice chat, so it's understandable if they don't want to use it. If you haven't, you are either not paying attention or you're probably one of the dudes screaming "girl!" in vc when they start talking (which is so funny and cool btw!). Lastly, this point doesn't even hold value to it as we've had admins in the past rarely ever use voicechat while still being great staff. The more I think about it, the stranger of an expectation it becomes - why does it matter to you so much if you can hear them talk?

Also, people keep mentioning "bias" followed by their own personal negative experiences with her without helpful context. So far, I haven't seen any irrefutable evidence that she poorly staffed with bad intentions. If you truly are having poor interactions with a staff member, there's not really an excuse in 2024 to not take clips and post them here. If this is happening, we want to see legitimate examples, not petty vagueposting.

On the actual admin role: in the few conversations I've recently had with her, it's clear she has somewhat of a roadmap of ideas in her head for improving the server. She's had consistently good judgement when +1ing staff apps, so I really can't see a problem with her doing the approving. On dev stuff - as a believer of separation of admin + dev roles, I don't think it's a huge deal if you're lacking in that area, and it can be learned.

Guys I'm only friends with tiefling on discord can I still be in the cult :(
(01-10-2024, 07:54 AM)Foxka Wrote: Guys I'm only friends with tiefling on discord can I still be in the cult :(
Yea but you gotta door dash me a McGriddle, I will explain the importance of it later.
 (I am hungry)

(01-10-2024, 07:54 AM)Murl Wrote: The thing about the microphone, this is a paraphrase. Because formatting on this website is a nightmare.
I know where you are coming from. When you say that it is pretty bizarre that people want a staff to use a voice chat when they can use text chat. the reason that I believe that it should be pretty mandatory is the fact that when there is a lot going on in the server, sometimes people will miss things in the chat. when something is said through a microphone. It's way harder to miss, especially when it's something urgent like a verbal warn.

For players that have visual impairments, this is also very helpful. Especially when chat messages are flying left and right and they can't keep up.
+1 if visual impairments are too bad to read how do they even play lmfao (these "reasonings" scream pick me) in other words: goo goo ga ga
(01-10-2024, 12:58 AM)Viviel No-Bones (they) Wrote:
(01-09-2024, 10:53 PM)A Steel Waffle Wrote: 1st off maybe I am picking sides but I am against you being staff in the 1st place. Maybe I am not used to it but you show not even the slightest reasoning to anyone decision and that the issue I have you have investigated things without logically thinking I still remember the HELP! HELP! HELP! I refuse to believe that was donor abuse mainly because I gave them many a warning's and they kept evading the gags. I am being honest when I say I cannot knowingly agree to this because even when I pmed you about letting bygones go you had no response. (Yes, this may be biased however if you can't treat everyone equally then you don't need admin let alone moderator). I know for a fact you pick and choose what you want to allow. I have gained much more respect for people who I don't see eye to eye with reaching out to me.
Are you drunk again? this is practically unreadable. From what is legible;

        I don't share your belief that tief picks and chooses, but if staff at large didn't pick and choose, you would've been perma'd months ago. You actively benefit from what you're complaining about. High staff came out and said in General Chat that all staff should just ignore your rule-breaking tantrums instead of punishing you. Its clear that there is some contextual situation you're upset about, but do ya really want it aired out here? Everyone who has interacted with you knows you love to cry bad actor when you get in trouble. I will say I'm pretty biased Towards tief, she's my friend, and anyone can read the glowing +1 I put out for her. But when we really break it down she's just one of the few staff who aren't intimidated by your Karen antics. All of that aside, Nobody owes you bygones. If someone has beef with you neither of you have Any responsibility to settle it. That's just life, buck up.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to change your mind into a +1. -1 until you're blue in the face by all means. But if you walk around dippin a can of bullshit, Someone's gonna slap it out your mouth sooner or later.

addendum: Right here is where I put a pause to this because I wanted to read widdys post and lmfao. Its like you sent him your work and had him make an mla format essay out of it. 
One thing I really have to say to his fanfic is that "cult of supporters" is literally just her friends. The same way that Literally every other friendship works in this community. The same way every unban request, every application, every post is just a popularity contest. The two of you get -1ed a lot because you deliberately attack people who have a few friends and because you've both gone out of your way to piss many people off with your behaviors. If you talked this much shit about Lacer or Icey or literally anyone else for random example, you would have the Same experience. 

Now I also see what may be a big issue in terms of both of your comprehension abilities. If all parties are okay/ comfortable with a situation, there will often be no punishment. Most people don't mind getting propkilled by tief because its her friends, or her t round. If they report her she does get punished and she will slay herself, but she stays within the boundaries of her friendships and general statuses with the players of the server. i.e. she doesn't push peoples boundaries. You two have a habit of stomping on peoples boundaries quite liberally, which is usually why you get in trouble because the people you target Don't have that relationship with you. Both of you have a habit of assuming a deeper relationship with people than actually exists, like when you widdy thought it was perfectly okay to read my Actual physical location out to the server. Also, unrelated, just listened to your soundcloud no more opinions for you lmfao. 

And again, this idea that everyone you disagree with has to make an effort to reach peace with you is naive, if not downright stupid. That's simply not how the world works. Not everything gets to be happy and chill 100% and not everyone you dislike is gonna Want to give you their time and energy. We have a limited life (not me though im built different) and you really cant be blamed for not wanting to spend that limited life on people you don't Want to spend time with. I think if the two of you spent more time with your actual friends and less time strokin your hate-b*ners you'd find yourselves in much less turbulent times.
No, I legitimately wasn't but if you insist on me speaking me correct English I will do just that. 
1st off,  maybe I am picking sides but I am against you being staff in the 1st place. Maybe I am not used to it, but you show not even the slightest reasoning to certain people's warnings You seem to have issues thoroughly investigating a situation when you jump into the server. You have investigated things without logically thinking, even after I had reached out to staff. I still remember the HELP! HELP! HELP! I refuse to believe that was donor abuse mainly because I gave them many a warnings and they kept evading the gags. people got tired of it.  I am being honest when I say I cannot knowingly agree to this because even when I pmed you about letting bygones go you had no response. (Yes, this may be biased however if you can't treat everyone equally then you don't need admin let alone moderator). I know for a fact you pick and choose what you want to allow. I gain much more respect for people whom I don't see eye to eye with reaching out to me when they can put a biased opinion of me aside.

Also I do not appreciate you bringing up my personal life into this. There is no need to bring up things like that I am speaking my mind plain and simple. I don't care who you are or what power you have. I have called out several bad apples in many a years. I am not saying this said staff member is a bad apple but she needs to be more thoughtful about a situation before just spewing out a warn.
[Image: its-vodka-vodka.gif]

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