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Good Morning
Considering its 1 am here good morning
Decided to finally post here, its a little easier to do when not playing
I originally bought gmod to play prop hunt, but I found out most people are good at knowing what is supposed to be where sooo, ttt it is(lots of fun btw). Played the server briefly awhile back and came back a in at the start of may to near daily activity now that its summer, college/work kinda keeps you busy (go figure). I play mostly at night because of work so many of you I may not have met (tho i did meet dink for drunkleburg one night) so hi. 
Lets see, what else. 20, night owl, 60+hr of ttt, [Image: brick.png]. I play with a trackpad so thats fun (mouse is missing).
Thats about it so hi (i can be random sometimes hence the poll)

oh 2 questions
1. where would I find what donor/trusted can do, I'm interested to help at nights a bit but not 100hr yet
2. where would I find someone to talk with on a donor/tmod griefing (don't want to be that guy and post all over forums, maybe they do a good job when I'm not online)

p.s. flat you didn't tell me u left and I was looking for you earlier lol
p.p.s ^ he's done a good job of tmoding for what its worth
First of all, welcome to the forums!

To answer your questions:
This will explain what you can do as a donor: http://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/site/thread-38.html
As for trusted, we are able to queue music, gag, mute, kick, and handle rdm manager reports (aslay, aslayid). This is considered a staff rank you have to apply for. I recommend reading this if you are considering applying: http://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/site/thread-1089.html
As for the donor/tmod griefing, I would suggest contacting an admin regarding that situation.
Noot Noot ~(^-^)~
Welcome aboard to the forums!
If you have any questions regarding the server rules or anything else, send me a forum PM.
Resigned TTT & Deathrun Admin.
[Image: 1199184.png]
Welcome to the forums. I recommend going over what Avi said it can really help.
[Image: wiiu-destruction.gif][Image: wiiu-destruction.gif]
Ok so I bought donor to play with at 64 hr till later applying.

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.