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deluxe fart application
Ingame Name: 
Brother Roach
Discord Tag:brotheroach
Time Played: 
When First Joined: 
May 14th
Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): 
Daily, after 4 PM EST
Rank Desired: 
Current Rank: 
What can you do to help the community: 
I can offer the following for the community:
I've clocked in at least 10k hours in gmod between two steam accounts since 2012. Therein, I have extensive experience dealing with this game and the people that play it.
I've Owned/Staffed various TTT, DarkRP, and star wars RP servers in the past.
I'm very familiar with the necessary staff commands and I'm familiar with LUA.
I've bounced around this game for over a decade, I've seen it all.
Above all, I can offer the community what it really needs! A clear head, an unbiased opinion, and an open ear.
I want to foster an environment where every single person playing can have fun and make new friends. Gmod is a place to make memories.
Why you want to help the community: 
TTT has stood above every game mode I've taken part in as my overall favorite. It was my favorite as a kid in high school and it's my favorite now. This is the only server, the only community left, that can still capture that old TTT feeling. The days of the semi-serious TTT server are gone and exist only in the time capsule that is Dinks. I want to do what I can to preserve what's left of my favorite gamemode. Additionally this community has been full of welcoming and open arms, it's quickly felt like home.
Have you been previously banned, or do you have active warn points? (Link Relevant Posts): 
I have active warn points. My first day on the server it was just a night of me hopping around gmod servers trolling, trying to entertain my fiance. There was a group of trollers on that night slur baiting (didn't know any of them), and they were acting clueless as to what they were doing. Half mockingly towards them but half trolling with them, I "explained" to them what they said that was wrong and knowingly slur baited as a result (I don't remember what it even was). I fell in love with the server soon after and began taking it seriously. I think or at least hope I've proven the true merits of my character since then. The warn was from Coco, she might be able to add context to the warn if needed. I own my mistake, I've never asked for the 6 points to be appealed and I'm confident it will reach expiration without any other incidents.
Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): 
How did you find us?: 
Server Browser
Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread): 
I will happily answer any questions or concerns about my person.
Alright so roach. I think you’re great. I love playing with you. I think you’d make an amazing staff member. My only concern is the amount of your playtime that is AFK. I know I can personally account for at least 8 hours being afk, and that’s just when I’ve been on. The reason for the high time requirement is so you get accustom to all of the rules, as you’ll be expected to enforce them.

I’m going to stay neutral for now, until you get those hours up some more to counter some of that afk time.
Spread Kindness, Not Hate.
Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas.
(06-22-2024, 08:20 PM)RyanHighman Wrote: Alright so roach. I think you’re great. I love playing with you. I think you’d make an amazing staff member. My only concern is the amount of your playtime that is AFK. I know I can personally account for at least 8 hours being afk, and that’s just when I’ve been on. The reason for the high time requirement is so you get accustom to all of the rules, as you’ll be expected to enforce them.

I’m going to stay neutral for now, until you get those hours up some more to counter some of that afk time.

I'll definitely acknowledge the fact that I've spent a good bit of time AFK on the server as I'm actually AFK or just doing other things on the computer for work or whatnot.
That being said I don't have any plans on dropping my activity on the server, and I hope in time any concerns with that can be put in the past.
I appreciate you bringing that I'm as I'm sure that will likely be a relevant concern for most people in the community.
This dude is a truly intelligent individual that has a lot of value he can bring to the table as a staff member.

I can tell that alone from his takes on the forums and on the discord when discussions are occurring. Roach knows how to approach things from a place of neutrality, and it seems that he would not struggle with favoritism, as he exhibits professionalism in all situations.

+1. The "AFK Hours" is a minor concern that can easily be fixed. I'd be more concerned if Roach cannot handle criticism or is incompetent.

Roach is great person to play with. The AFK hours will not be an issue once this application judgment is made since it takes time. If anything we appreciate seeding the server early am. GL Roach.
+1 All the way

Roach was not only one of the first people I interacted with on the server but also has been a driving factor for me to stay, nothing but kind words for this absolute scholar! Good luck buddy, I know you'll do great things either way.
+1, you've got a good head on your shoulders and I believe you'd be able to handle situations as respectfully and level headed as possible. Definitely a good attribute to have for staff.
+1 based off my interactions with you in discord. I think that you’d be a good staff member. Seems like you have a level head, you care about this place, and that you’d be able to handle staffing duties fairly.
+1, :3

you did call me a nonce in the discord recently, but to be fair I did think you were using the nazi skin. I do think we're both on clearer pages now, and ive had a lot of fun with you on ttt and interacting on the discord!

Ive been one of the louder voices pointing out the "time farming" but it has always been for the bit and not out of genuine concern. U were time farming though fr
<3 :3

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.