Makima Fan21
Ingame Name: Shaye

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94159295

Who Banned You: Icey

Reason For Ban: Alt Evading + Maxium Point Thresh Hold

Length of Ban: Perma Ban

Reason for Admins to Unban: Hi; its been about 6 months since the last time i have logged into dinklebergers trouble in traitor town, and  I miss it, I miss a few of the people I played with and talked too; and when it comes down to it... Unfortunately I enjoy this game, everyone says to quit and the game sucks blah blah blah; I genuinely enjoy playing and yet a majority of the time I was a pain in the ass and pushed boundaries purely for my own entertainment, I will admit i did target people i didn't like for reasons that felt just to me, I said stupid shit for no real reason, however its plainly obvious;  peoples frustration / anger for my own fun is wrong, and I'd like to play with my wife and friends and shoot people ! !! 

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): yes lots of times; 

Other: I mean come on I know i've asked for second chances third chances fourth chances, and it sounds stupid to ask for another one but I truly mean it this time i just wanna play and have some fun (: PeepoHappy sorry for making you read all this
+1 6 months is a long time to be banned
[Image: image.png]Don't take anything I say seriously
Okay, I get the max points thing, but what's the story with the alt evading?
[Image: bH0KCfU.jpg]
(07-10-2024, 03:22 AM)Dinomoto Wrote: Okay, I get the max points thing, but what's the story with the alt evading?
had to be there;

basically i alted after i was banned for "mass rdm" 3 kills in the vent on dolls and i got perma banned and my appeal got denied
Previous appeal for reference:

If memory serves this is like your 12th ban or something, why would things be any different this time?
[Image: cYQlQ4a.gif]
Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
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Ban evading on an alt after deleting the thread is a major grievance that I simply cannot ignore.

Those actions say the following:

"I'm above the rules and I do not care nor respect your protocols."

I really didn't want to relog onto the forums but since I got messaged about this I might as well. Shaye has had many chances in this community, I am sad that she got toxic sometimes towards some users but she has always been friendly/never mean or toxic towards me. I was disappointed to hear she got rebanned for alt evading since I thought she would of stopped alt evading. I do believe shaye is telling the truth when she says she misses players here otherwise she wouldn't keep making ban appeals. I'll be honest and say I missed shaye too, I believe that she could have one final chance on ttt and if she acts up/gets toxic again then she can not appeal again. That being said it would be completely understandable if she got denied this time, but I am curious as to why she would be able to make appeals if people genuinely don't ever want her back here, but I digress. I am not voting eitherway just thought I would share my opinion on the matter which I expect people to disagree with, which is fine. 

Shaye when you read this and if your unban appeal gets denied we should try to gather some old friends and play on another random server together.
Hey shaye. I have a couple questions.
Over the course of your time on dinks (or at least since 2020) you have had 18 alts banned. Im not going to try to figure out what the total number of evasion attempts was, but it is at least 14, from what I can piece together using relay and ban reasons. To your credit, you havent evaded since February of this year, so it has been about 5 months. Why do you think you have earned/deserve a another chance after so many evading attempts?

Secondly, this is the list of all of your main account bans on dinks. A total of 10 bans (not including the self request or reduction rebans), including at least 2 perma's that were succesfully appealed. Do you think there should be any conditions to an unban that you would offer (akin to a probationary period), and what do you think should happen if you get another permanent ban?

I dont know how you are on the server, firsthand. I've never had the chance to play or interact with you past seeing you say "noooooooo" right before a ban came through. Im going to reserve my vote on this appeal until you answer these questions.
Spread Kindness, Not Hate.
Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas.
I dont think you should be unbanned. its the same pattern repeatedly. gets unbanned--> is toxic/rulbreaking--> gets banned --> alts --> gets caught alting--> gets banned--> appeals promising change.

realistically, what is gonna change? it seems you keep alting, so you seem to not really care about being banned anyway....
Incepimus, Nunc et semper.
This means that "we begin, now and forever", and translates as "always we begin again"
What this actually means is that we should always strive to better ourselves, because tomorrow is a new day.
I hope you take it to heart. Remember, an improvement, no matter how small, is improvement.

I don’t know you too well personally, but from what I understand you have a considerable amount of friends still in this community so I do understand why you would want to be unbanned despite serially being banned and evading those bans. Which leads me to my next point, which is with such a pattern, you’ve been given more chances than many would likely get. If things improved over any of those times and you took necessary steps to improve upon the behaviors that got you banned and appealed and waited fairly like many others I would maybe even say unban with a threshold.

Unfortunately, with the seemingly absurd amount of chances you’ve been given and blowing pretty much all of them, I don’t have faith the things that got you banned have improved nor do I have faith that if this appeal is denied you won’t evade again on this ban, so for those reasons

[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]

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