Makima Fan21
If memory serves this is like your 12th ban or something, why would things be any different this time? - I have found other things i enjoy and im not gonna spent the enitrety of my day on gmod i dont wanna make this game my life again; i just wanna play and have fun; i know i have done a lot of not so great things for this community but it is undeniable that some good has come from me joining this server; making friends, meeting a random girl from the internet who changed my life, so yes i was toxic yes i got banned a lot but i whole heartedly believe i also did good things too.

Why do you think you have earned/deserve a another chance after so many evading attempts?
- I havent alt evaded in 6 months; i havent shit posted in 4 i genuinely believe its not worth it anymore again i will repeat the sentiment i just want a game to relax on and hangout with people simply put; i deserve another chance purely because this is the most ive done to actually try to be unbanned versus writing a shit post appeal and get upset at negative responses and delete the post then alt again I genuinely just wanna play the game.

Do you think there should be any conditions to an unban that you would offer (akin to a probationary period), and what do you think should happen if you get another permanent ban?
i will literally never apply again if i get banned again i will never alt again if i get banned again - obviously the sentiment holds little value considering what ive done in the past but i genuinely mean it i will never step foot on dinklebergerttt ever again if i am banned again.
+1 it's been 6 months plus the staff member in question is no longer with us free her
[Image: fBz8ezO.png]   
(07-10-2024, 04:44 PM)茶 Tea Wrote: +1 it's been 6 months plus the staff member in question is no longer with us free her

Actually Shaye has been banned for 1 Year and 5 Months.  She last appealed and ban evaded 6 months ago.
Additionally "The staff member in question" only executed the ban due to her passing the perma-ban awarn threshold.  Due to multiple slur warns, a harassment warn and also an RDM and Leave warn.  

I don't see how someone resigning from staff affects the facts behind the ban at all when their only involvement was actually applying the ban. 

Additionally she ban evaded this ban at total of 14 times, 11 times within 5 months of the ban, to which she then made this post, since I just keep banning all the alts as soon as they appeared. (Well when I was online) She then made the appeal that was linked here previously, and preceded to delete the thread the same day, and ban evaded ago. And now we are here 6 months later.
+1 it's been 1 year and 5 months plus some of the staff members in question are no longer with us free her
[Image: fBz8ezO.png]   
(07-10-2024, 07:11 PM)茶 Tea Wrote: +1 it's been 1 year and 5 months plus some of the staff members in question are no longer with us free her
hey thanks fellow gamer!
I think had it been 6 months, I would of said no, but 1 year and 5 months is long enough. +1

However, if you do revert back to your old ways, I'd want you gone for good.
[Image: bH0KCfU.jpg]
After thoroughly looking through your history and past appeals, as well as speaking with some people about your behaviour during your stints of being unbanned, I am going to -1 this appeal.

While I do not doubt the sincerity of your words that you wish to follow the rules and disavow your history of toxicity, they are words that you have spoken before. Yet, here you are again. After discussing with people and hearing firsthand accounts what you were like during your last time being unbanned, they shared the feeling that nothing had really changed since your previous bans. You played good for a bit, but then would revert back to working your way towards another permanent ban in the worst way: harassment, slurs, insults, and general toxicity. This behaviour isn't exactly all ancient history either. You have shown recent bouts of being quite vicious with personal insults as recently as 3 months ago. Like you said in your own post, you likely thought that you were justified in those comments, but they were abhorrent nonetheless.

It has been a long time since your original ban, but I feel like the timer should reset each time your evade it. The evasions, alone, show a certain amount of selfishness in your actions. Putting everything aside purely because you missed playing. I also don't like how much the evading has been glossed over in this appeal. You didn't just evade a few times. It was prolific. Speaking on the post that chibill linked: The tone in that post seems to say "If an appeal isn't considered, I wont stop alting." No apologies or anything, just statements that you missed playing so you thought it was justified.

In summery, how many last chances should someone get? How many permanent bans should be lifted before it's finally decided that enough is enough? I sympathize with your want to come back, I really do. Unfortunately, I believe you coming back would not only be a risk to the community, but that you don't deserve to come back, period, because of your previous actions. Just wanting to come back isn't enough, for me.
Spread Kindness, Not Hate.
Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas.
(07-12-2024, 12:01 PM)RyanHighman Wrote: After thoroughly looking through your history and past appeals, as well as speaking with some people about your behaviour during your stints of being unbanned, I am going to -1 this appeal.

While I do not doubt the sincerity of your words that you wish to follow the rules and disavow your history of toxicity, they are words that you have spoken before. Yet, here you are again. After discussing with people and hearing firsthand accounts what you were like during your last time being unbanned, they shared the feeling that nothing had really changed since your previous bans. You played good for a bit, but then would revert back to working your way towards another permanent ban in the worst way: harassment, slurs, insults, and general toxicity. This behaviour isn't exactly all ancient history either. You have shown recent bouts of being quite vicious with personal insults as recently as 3 months ago. Like you said in your own post, you likely thought that you were justified in those comments, but they were abhorrent nonetheless.

It has been a long time since your original ban, but I feel like the timer should reset each time your evade it. The evasions, alone, show a certain amount of selfishness in your actions. Putting everything aside purely because you missed playing. I also don't like how much the evading has been glossed over in this appeal. You didn't just evade a few times. It was prolific. Speaking on the post that chibill linked: The tone in that post seems to say "If an appeal isn't considered, I wont stop alting." No apologies or anything, just statements that you missed playing so you thought it was justified.

In summery, how many last chances should someone get? How many permanent bans should be lifted before it's finally decided that enough is enough? I sympathize with your want to come back, I really do. Unfortunately, I believe you coming back would not only be a risk to the community, but that you don't deserve to come back, period, because of your previous actions. Just wanting to come back isn't enough, for me.
I respect your opinion; thanks for the feedback, In my honest opinion my previous times banned i genuinely only said what i had to say to get unbanned i mean thats my honest answer; i genuinely will follow the rules, if unbanned as stated previously all i am asking for is the thinnest sheet of ice possible, I mean this i am genuine in my previous statement; if i get unbanned; and worst comes to worst i am banned again I will NOT come back; ever again. I am asking for a GENUINE one time; an admin told me not to alt for 90 days for consideration and instead i went for 180 i genuinely mean well; I know "Just coming back" isnt enough in your opinion, but what is then?
I'm going to give a biased +1. A lot of the bans were within a short period where Shaye never cared about the rules. If you haven't met Shaye, you might not understand that she is very liked on the server and enjoyed. Some of the bans were strictly alt evasion, and while definitely against the rules, doesn't reflect character change and progress made. I personally feel like this appeal is genuine but should 100% serve as a last final final last chance. -1's are 100% understandable due to the sheer amount of history Shaye has had but I believe that this appeal is different and that we should welcome players that genuinely want to play and are reformed. Again, this is a biased +1 but I truly believe Shaye would be better this time around.

Shaye, things are different. If you were getting warned back in the day for things, you aren't going to last a second now if you haven't changed. When people bother you, just bite your tongue and avoid confrontation. Everyone enjoys banter but make sure you read the room as some people might not reciprocate your energy. Good luck my friend!
Icey’s reply, although biased, does give me hope, but I have MASSIVE doubts that you won’t stay out of trouble. Plus, whether someone is likes or not on the server should not have any bearing on an unban request, because the real question should be “will you once again prove yourself to be a massive pain in the ass to deal with?” It’s going to be hard to take a reply seriously when this is literally your SEVENTEENTH unban request in the community as a whole over the last four years. Seriously. 17. That the real number. If you don’t believe me, just look it up. Considering the people who have voiced for you though, I would not mind giving you one more chance, but this should honestly be the last one you ever get here Regardless, I wish you the best of luck and hope to see a new and improved Shaye around the community once again.
[Image: ErQ4M8K.jpg] 

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