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An Apology
(08-17-2024, 01:49 PM)Harmless_Potato Wrote: "serious thread"

Okay, sure, if you insist. I think you're a manchild who is only apologizing here because it's what people want you to do. Last time you didn't breathe a word of apology despite fully knowing how you'd harassed Tief, because it didn't cross your mind until being called out on it. Now suddenly you're on your knees because just asking to be unbanned didn't work before. You've made it clear your views haven't changed on anything, and that you'll just avoid saying bad things because it makes people feel bad. This is fine if you're calling someone dumb schoolyard names, not harassing someone with pointed slurs. That shows you're just as shitty, but are going to hide it better because you know people will call you out on your shit. Your excuses of addiction and loss don't just make you a bigot while you're drunk, that's there when you're sober too, just behind your ability to self-correct for the people you're around, which there's little reason to think that's accurate. 

I'm glad you're taking responsibility for racism though
[Image: TWQlDjL.png] 
-courtesy of a sarcastic fish

[Image: t2X0SiD.png]
-courtesy of milk(2)
I've been close with Potato for some time and a massive critic of his issues, especially with the highly excessive drinking. Although I've been very socially disconnected as of late (to everyone and everything, not just with Dinks. Check on your friends yo, especially if they've been silent. Seriously.) I can confirm that Potato has made great strides in getting better. Although the alcohol isn't the only problem and has greatly enhanced others, he's truly been working on that in his personal life and has been providing updates to it, including going sober for a significant amount of time in the last few months. Does that mean he's ready to return here? Man, I don't know. I do know that he's still got work to do, along with working on rebuilding the trust of the community. However, with what he's done up to this point, I have to say that I am proud of him for actively bettering himself.

Overall due to my recent social disconnection, I'm remaining neutral here. If it is decided to allow him to return, even in a limited capacity, it would have to be on a VERY tight leash to start with.
[Image: ErQ4M8K.jpg] 
(08-17-2024, 03:21 PM)god if he didnt murder children Wrote:
(08-17-2024, 01:49 PM)Harmless_Potato Wrote: "serious thread"

Okay, sure, if you insist. I think you're a manchild who is only apologizing here because it's what people want you to do. Last time you didn't breathe a word of apology despite fully knowing how you'd harassed Tief, because it didn't cross your mind until being called out on it. Now suddenly you're on your knees because just asking to be unbanned didn't work before. You've made it clear your views haven't changed on anything, and that you'll just avoid saying bad things because it makes people feel bad. This is fine if you're calling someone dumb schoolyard names, not harassing someone with pointed slurs. That shows you're just as shitty, but are going to hide it better because you know people will call you out on your shit. Your excuses of addiction and loss don't just make you a bigot while you're drunk, that's there when you're sober too, just behind your ability to self-correct for the people you're around, which there's little reason to think that's accurate. 

I'm glad you're taking responsibility for racism though
I’m not going to argue on anything. You have your opinion, which you are valid to express. I just think it’s a little unprofessional as a Discord staff member to shitpost, modify my quote in my post, then namecall me. 

Thank you for taking the time to respond with a full response:)

(08-17-2024, 03:03 PM)PandaInPants Wrote: "I am far from a bad person, homophobic, or anything in a bad nature."  Then using homophobic slurs in anger is just "poor wordage" I guess.

I also want to say that having a challenging period of life and dealing with grief is not an excuse for taking out your behavior on others.
Not denying that at all. I would just want the past to be the past and move on. I have no bad intentions, feelings, or anything else concerning to bring towards the community. 

Thank you for your feedback :)

(08-17-2024, 03:50 PM)August Wrote: I've been close with Potato for some time and a massive critic of his issues, especially with the highly excessive drinking. Although I've been very socially disconnected as of late (to everyone and everything, not just with Dinks. Check on your friends yo, especially if they've been silent. Seriously.) I can confirm that Potato has made great strides in getting better. Although the alcohol isn't the only problem and has greatly enhanced others, he's truly been working on that in his personal life and has been providing updates to it, including going sober for a significant amount of time in the last few months. Does that mean he's ready to return here? Man, I don't know. I do know that he's still got work to do, along with working on rebuilding the trust of the community. However, with what he's done up to this point, I have to say that I am proud of him for actively bettering himself.

Overall due to my recent social disconnection, I'm remaining neutral here. If it is decided to allow him to return, even in a limited capacity, it would have to be on a VERY tight leash to start with.
Thank you August. I just want to move forward and just be happy with life and to have fun. What I did was wrong, there’s no denying that. The issues I have faced in life aren’t an excuse to use unhealthy coping mechanisms to the point where I say things that shouldn’t be said. 

Day-by-day I’m striving to regain my old self. Feel like I’ve have made great improvements. 

Thank you for your response :)
(08-18-2024, 08:14 AM)Harmless_Potato Wrote:
(08-18-2024, 03:17 AM)clay Wrote: It's so cringe I have to take the time to write out how shit your apology is instead of just posting the guillotine meme to your weird-ass classist behavior, so here's some feedback for you to take seriously for your very serious thread. 
Quote:To address the poor people shit, if I get unbanned I will cut that out at the best of my ability. While not against the rules I guess it is sorta annoying for some.
Followed immediately with;
Quote:I just stated that I will to the best of my ability filter myself from expressing [my] views of things.
Expressing views of things??? As if it's a valid perspective, you silver-spoon motherfucker. Is it just a viewpoint when you spew racial slurs? Is it just a viewpoint when you harass other members? you're homophobic? you're transphobic? you're classist? you blame it all on addiction? on grief? I guess it is if you blame it on "poor choice of words," it's our fault we took it that way, right? You weird bitch. It's still your responsibility to fix yourself, and every line in this shitpost "serious" apology thread indicates you don't care and won't do anything different if you get what you want again.

In short, I hope the well dries up. I hope Daddy Warbucks Corsair gets tired of your ass-kissing. I hope you spill milk on your Corsair Keyboard, and the keys stop working, and you reach for your daddy's credit card, and it declines. I hope you get audited and can't fucking Rolex post in w/e discord server you fucked off to. I hope you suffer a very treatable liver disease from how often you boozed out, survive happily, but experience significant medical debt. I hope, by some fucking miracle, you fix yourself from this weird-ass better-than-you attitude you adopted after being handed so much shit because you clearly haven't yet. You don't think you're wrong. Big viewpoint ideas about fucking gay people and poor people, lol. Racial minorities, too, still, then right? Maybe we'd be quicker to forgive you for the tenth time you've begged for it if we "BOOTSTRAPPED" down to you and saw it from your point of view, right?

In shorter, -1 Grow up.

Though I'm frustrated with you and how fucking often this comes up with you, I understand the feeling of being trapped in a cycle of bad behavior and wanting to be better, but I'm just not convinced with you. Yeah, your "wording" has rubbed some people wrong here because it's painfully indicative of how little you still think of the people you degrade. Every time this happens, you clearly don't give a fuck. The only thing your weird responses show is how tired you are of having to say sorry for it, for how long this is taking. See you all for the next apology post.
Its cool to give your feedback, but it’s unnecessary to say that hope someone gets a disease. That’s extremely uncalled for.

I disagree. I hope it's a wake-up call for you. Life is better lived with friends; you clearly know that, or you wouldn't be trying to appeal. You're facing pushback from being let back in because you're still carrying hate for people. To most, and especially the people you accidentally "offended" with your "point of view" and "poor choice of words," it's not evident you've changed at all because you're still pushing away responsibility from it.

When we do something wrong and are evicted from a place of community, it's an opportunity to evaluate ourselves, learn from our actions, and get better. When you don't make meaningful change, take meaningful responsibility for bad behavior, or at the very least clearly identify what you did as wrong, it's in a community's best interest to turn you away. It's clear to many of us, and it should be to you too now, I'm sure, that on a fundamental level, you think less of people who have less than you, look different from you or live differently from you.

(08-18-2024, 08:14 AM)proper Wrote: ... the racism, homophobia, and classism is 100% from you and not the drink.

You're already facing one disease. Don't make it two by bingeing alcohol before you fix the first. Obviously, people want to give you the chance to prove you can be better, so do it.
To many of you all are special head cases. The dude risked his life in other countries in service to you all to afford a slightly nicer seat, this comming after someone tried to rob him at gun point in his car, it's only natural he would want to avoid trouble after that. To think this is comming from people who would interact with him on a daily basis as well, dose someone need to teach you all what 2+2 is again? Show some god dam respect as if you mother fuckers don't have problems that could be picked apart by people who know you better, with the root of the problem comming for shit far less life-threatening if anything at all. Grow up, what a ignorant thing to say to someone trying to be nice.

Potato you become rather unpleasant when drunk, don't listen to others when they say shit like "we like drunk staff" it's just people who want others to have self destructive behaviour so they can feel better for themselves. If you do come back it should be on the condition that Don’t drink yourself into the ground again, even if you don't happen to do anything wrong when drunk even just the once or you go back into the time out corner. It's a problem my guy, it's time to give that shit up.
[Image: Qbf9TxW.jpeg]
(08-18-2024, 12:37 PM)Super Milk Chan Wrote: To many of you all are special head cases. The dude risked his life in other countries in service to you all to afford a slightly nicer seat, this comming after someone tried to rob him at gun point in his car, it's only natural he would want to avoid trouble after that. To think this is comming from people who would interact with him on a daily basis as well, dose someone need to teach you all what 2+2 is again? Show some god dam respect as if you mother fuckers don't have problems that could be picked apart by people who know you better, with the root of the problem comming for shit far less life-threatening if anything at all. Grow up, what a ignorant thing to say to someone trying to be nice.

Potato you become rather unpleasant when drunk, don't listen to others when they say shit like "we like drunk staff" it's just people who want others to have self destructive behaviour so they can feel better for themselves. If you do come back it should be on the condition that Don’t drink yourself into the ground again, even if you don't happen to do anything wrong when drunk even just the once or you go back into the time out corner. It's a problem my guy, it's time to give that shit up.

The tough love afforded to someone in a fucking garry's mod server forum to help them get better after repeated bad behavior and a number of apology posts that, frankly, reek of them not feeling that sorry about it, was far more work than what it was worth to type out for someone I hardly interacted with. Still, when people take the time to carefully craft the words to breach the ego-membrane ("I'm not actually a bad guy,") you wrap yourself in and help even when you've hurt them, listen. Look at how you've been approached, even when it's them you singled out and harassed. It's a kindness even when it doesn't read like one, and for someone with military experience, I can imagine you've received something like that in the past.

By all means, sandpaper the edges of what you need to hear until it's a goddamn salute. Invite him back in and craft a community that doesn't care what you've said or done or how it hurts anyone else in that community until you're all alone again. All you're doing is robbing yourself of an opportunity to grow. If I were in your position, and I have been, I'd take it.

I do hope you find help even if this isn't something you listen to.
(08-18-2024, 12:37 PM)Super Milk Chan Wrote: To many of you all are special head cases. The dude risked his life in other countries in service to you all to afford a slightly nicer seat, this comming after someone tried to rob him at gun point in his car, it's only natural he would want to avoid trouble after that. To think this is comming from people who would interact with him on a daily basis as well, dose someone need to teach you all what 2+2 is again? Show some god dam respect as if you mother fuckers don't have problems that could be picked apart by people who know you better, with the root of the problem comming for shit far less life-threatening if anything at all. Grow up, what a ignorant thing to say to someone trying to be nice.
I don't think asking for someone to reflect on themselved and learn to be less unpleasant is disrespectful. Just because he was a service member doesnt mean people just have to accept bad behavior. Plenty of people in the community are also service members or know service members who don't act like that. People are upset and letting out their frustration at the fact that potatos post does not come across very genuine and it has high potential to get accepted because if you include "sorry" on the forums it works.
(08-18-2024, 12:59 PM)clay Wrote:
(08-18-2024, 12:37 PM)Super Milk Chan Wrote: To many of you all are special head cases. The dude risked his life in other countries in service to you all to afford a slightly nicer seat, this comming after someone tried to rob him at gun point in his car, it's only natural he would want to avoid trouble after that. To think this is comming from people who would interact with him on a daily basis as well, dose someone need to teach you all what 2+2 is again? Show some god dam respect as if you mother fuckers don't have problems that could be picked apart by people who know you better, with the root of the problem comming for shit far less life-threatening if anything at all. Grow up, what a ignorant thing to say to someone trying to be nice.

Potato you become rather unpleasant when drunk, don't listen to others when they say shit like "we like drunk staff" it's just people who want others to have self destructive behaviour so they can feel better for themselves. If you do come back it should be on the condition that Don’t drink yourself into the ground again, even if you don't happen to do anything wrong when drunk even just the once or you go back into the time out corner. It's a problem my guy, it's time to give that shit up.

The tough love afforded to someone in a fucking garry's mod server forum to help them get better after repeated bad behavior and a number of apology posts that, frankly, reek of them not feeling that sorry about it, was far more work than what it was worth to type out for someone I hardly interacted with. Still, when people take the time to carefully craft the words to breach the ego-membrane ("I'm not actually a bad guy,") you wrap yourself in and help even when you've hurt them, listen. Look at how you've been approached, even when it's them you singled out and harassed. It's a kindness even when it doesn't read like one, and for someone with military experience, I can imagine you've received something like that in the past.

By all means, sandpaper the edges of what you need to hear until it's a goddamn salute. Invite him back in and craft a community that doesn't care what you've said or done or how it hurts anyone else in that community until you're all alone again. All you're doing is robbing yourself of an opportunity to grow. If I were in your position, and I have been, I'd take it.

I do hope you find help even if this isn't something you listen to.

Nice bridge building. What he did really is not that big of a deal when compared how people have been treating the situation. The situation dose not need to be carefully handled because it's not a complicated issue, it is a rather straightforward one, he said dumb things and picked some bad choice of words when explaining things. The problems roots are quite clear, no need to over complicated everything, it's dehumanizing. This reminds me of to many idiots who treat every little problem way too harshly, but then can't seem to handle rathe simple and obvious problems in their own life simply because they never learned to relax after discipline.

(08-18-2024, 01:03 PM)PandaInPants Wrote:
(08-18-2024, 12:37 PM)Super Milk Chan Wrote: To many of you all are special head cases. The dude risked his life in other countries in service to you all to afford a slightly nicer seat, this comming after someone tried to rob him at gun point in his car, it's only natural he would want to avoid trouble after that. To think this is comming from people who would interact with him on a daily basis as well, dose someone need to teach you all what 2+2 is again? Show some god dam respect as if you mother fuckers don't have problems that could be picked apart by people who know you better, with the root of the problem comming for shit far less life-threatening if anything at all. Grow up, what a ignorant thing to say to someone trying to be nice.
I don't think asking for someone to reflect on themselved and learn to be less unpleasant is disrespectful. Just because he was a service member doesnt mean people just have to accept bad behavior. Plenty of people in the community are also service members or know service members who don't act like that. People are upset and letting out their frustration at the fact that potatos post does not come across very genuine and it has high potential to get accepted because if you include "sorry" on the forums it works.

You simply did not pay any attention at all.
[Image: Qbf9TxW.jpeg]
Think we're losing the plot here a little bit. First and foremost, let's at least keep responses civil please. Replies that are overly inflammatory or don't contribute will be removed.

Also to throw my own two cents in, Potato's military service is literally irrelevant to his ban on a Garry's Mod Discord server? People are entitled to be opposed to the appeal being accepted, and implying that being offended by things Potato has said is a failure to be grateful for his service is a laughable take.
(08-18-2024, 01:43 PM)Ryan722 Wrote: Think we're losing the plot here a little bit. First and foremost, let's at least keep responses civil please. Replies that are overly inflammatory or don't contribute will be removed.

Also to throw my own two cents in, Potato's military service is literally irrelevant to his ban on a Garry's Mod Discord server? People are entitled to be opposed to the appeal being accepted, and implying that being offended by things Potato has said is a failure to be grateful for his service is a laughable take.

It's to paint a wider pitcher of how petty the situation is. All so the plot was lost months ago for this one.
[Image: Qbf9TxW.jpeg]

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