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An Apology
(08-18-2024, 12:37 PM)Super Milk Chan Wrote: Show some god dam respect as if you mother fuckers don't have problems that could be picked apart by people who know you better, with the root of the problem comming for shit far less life-threatening if anything at all. Grow up, what a ignorant thing to say to someone trying to be nice.
I didn't really care to comment further than my initial response before, but this is just a tad absurd. Respect is not owed to someone who has been consistently disrespectful and then some. While like I said I can sympathize with struggling through hardships, it's not an excuse for shitty behavior and is irrelevant to whether someone should be allowed back in the community after said shitty behavior. I hope he gets/continues to get help for those issues, but access to a community that he chose to burn bridges from is not required for that, nor is he entitled to it.

It was only a month ago that he didn't even feel the need for any sort of apology or amendment, and even now the apology is hollow and self serving. The "poor choice of word usage" also wasn't some one-off occurrence, it's regularly his go-to response when he wants to insult someone and lacks the self control to think better of it. The alcohol didn't put the word in his vocabulary, nor did it choose me as the target of his harassment on his behalf. The slurs and harassment also weren't the only issue, his constant wealth flaunting (which did not come from just military service as you claim, but I digress) followed by his inevitable downplaying and arguing about his wealth made the discord an incredibly frustrating environment as someone who struggles financially, yet he never felt the need to "show some god dam respect" or consider the circumstances of others' lives as you're insisting now.

All of this is to say that this is not just "someone trying to be nice", and the issues are much deeper than just someone having struggles and being misunderstood.

(08-17-2024, 02:28 PM)Harmless_Potato Wrote: I can assure you that mistakes will not happen in the future.
While I'm here, these were not "mistakes", and describing them as such is just further downplaying your fault. You didn't accidentally stumble into slurs and harassment, this isn't an oopsie daisy moment. A real apology requires real accountability, which I do not feel is being conveyed.

(08-17-2024, 02:28 PM)Harmless_Potato Wrote: I think personally I have worked on myself to the point where I won't do anything dumb due to my limitations on alcohol consumption. I don't drink in excessive amounts anymore to the point where I had no filter. I am still attending counseling for various things to better myself as well.
It's good that you're working to improve things, but it takes more than a month of work for real change to happen. You have always insisted your drinking wasn't excessive, so that's not very reassuring. And part of the problem is that you need to go to such great lengths to "filter" yourself from slurring and harassment to begin with.

(08-17-2024, 02:28 PM)Harmless_Potato Wrote: Personally think either a set period should be in place until I'm unbanned and/or unbanned with a point threshold where if anything were to happen (which nothing will), I would immediately be banned again.
Not my call to make and this is all just my personal opinion, but this comes across as incredibly entitled.
[Image: gBkzZod.png]
(08-18-2024, 01:50 PM)tiefling lesbian Wrote:
(08-18-2024, 12:37 PM)Super Milk Chan Wrote: Show some god dam respect as if you mother fuckers don't have problems that could be picked apart by people who know you better, with the root of the problem comming for shit far less life-threatening if anything at all. Grow up, what a ignorant thing to say to someone trying to be nice.
I didn't really care to comment further than my initial response before, but this is just a tad absurd. Respect is not owed to someone who has been consistently disrespectful and then some. While like I said I can sympathize with struggling through hardships, it's not an excuse for shitty behavior and is irrelevant to whether someone should be allowed back in the community after said shitty behavior. I hope he gets/continues to get help for those issues, but access to a community that he chose to burn bridges from is not required for that, nor is he entitled to it.

It was only a month ago that he didn't even feel the need for any sort of apology or amendment, and even now the apology is hollow and self serving. The "poor choice of word usage" also wasn't some one-off occurrence, it's regularly his go-to response when he wants to insult someone and lacks the self control to think better of it. The alcohol didn't put the word in his vocabulary, nor did it choose me as the target of his harassment on his behalf. The slurs and harassment also weren't the only issue, his constant wealth flaunting (which did not come from just military service as you claim, but I digress) followed by his inevitable downplaying and arguing about his wealth made the discord an incredibly frustrating environment as someone who struggles financially, yet he never felt the need to "show some god dam respect" or consider the circumstances of others' lives as you're insisting now.

All of this is to say that this is not just "someone trying to be nice", and the issues are much deeper than just someone having struggles and being misunderstood.

(08-17-2024, 02:28 PM)Harmless_Potato Wrote: I can assure you that mistakes will not happen in the future.
While I'm here, these were not "mistakes", and describing them as such is just further downplaying your fault. You didn't accidentally stumble into slurs and harassment, this isn't an oopsie daisy moment. A real apology requires real accountability, which I do not feel is being conveyed.

(08-17-2024, 02:28 PM)Harmless_Potato Wrote: I think personally I have worked on myself to the point where I won't do anything dumb due to my limitations on alcohol consumption. I don't drink in excessive amounts anymore to the point where I had no filter. I am still attending counseling for various things to better myself as well.
It's good that you're working to improve things, but it takes more than a month of work for real change to happen. You have always insisted your drinking wasn't excessive, so that's not very reassuring. And part of the problem is that you need to go to such great lengths to "filter" yourself from slurring and harassment to begin with.

(08-17-2024, 02:28 PM)Harmless_Potato Wrote: Personally think either a set period should be in place until I'm unbanned and/or unbanned with a point threshold where if anything were to happen (which nothing will), I would immediately be banned again.
Not my call to make and this is all just my personal opinion, but this comes across as incredibly entitled.

literally everyone is owed respect. Untill it gets taking away.
[Image: Qbf9TxW.jpeg]
You're not the one who decides the threshold at which someone's respect should be taken away homie and military service doesnt make me respect anyone more lmao
[Image: TWQlDjL.png] 
-courtesy of a sarcastic fish

[Image: t2X0SiD.png]
-courtesy of milk(2)
up front.

I don't agree with potato saying a slur to/directed at Tiefling. That was out of pocket, and deserves to be punished. Potato was consequently banned for this behavior.

That being said, Potato has been working on, and maintaining a pattern of not drinking and/or drinking only a little bit.

While it doesn't excuse his behavior (it was reprehensible), that doesn't mean that he can't learn and grow from it. I have interacted with potato in the interim, and he has been working on himself and I think has genuinely changed for the better. It may not reflect in that the community has interacted with him little in the interim, but personal growth often doesn't happen in public. Personally, Potato, if you take the time to read this, I am genuinely happy that you are in therapy and are cutting back on alcohol. This is just good overall for you, perhaps.

To everyone else, personally I would say, give him a chance. We have legitimately given others in the community with much worse track records easier times than potato is getting here.
we can't undo something bad that we did yesterday; that is yesterday. But we can learn from it, and improve today and tomorrow.

If he does it again, simply re-ban him.
+/- 0 because I am biased, and thus any vote from me is biased. I would much rather that he be unbanned, but I can also understand how this could be frustrating for some people.
Incepimus, Nunc et semper.
This means that "we begin, now and forever", and translates as "always we begin again"
What this actually means is that we should always strive to better ourselves, because tomorrow is a new day.
I hope you take it to heart. Remember, an improvement, no matter how small, is improvement.

no one can give or take respect other than yourself. respect isn't some silly fallout karma "everyone disliked that" bullshit. end of the day, with potato being banned I assume the discord server has had less nepotism or somethin but I'm not really sure it's entirely fair to judge a person's behavior based on who they were a month ago. With that being said, it is entirely fair to judge a pattern of behavior that was expressed over the course of a year or so. However you cannot say with 100% certainty, unless you've consistently interacted with dude, that he is the exact same drunk, homophobic, classist, racist nepo-baby veteran that all of you are making him out to be today, as of this moment.

Unbanning potato this time and seeing his behavior over the course of the next few weeks will cement his future ban and lack of ground on an unban appeal in the future. Keeping him banned will only cause more of the back and forth bullshit we've seen from page one of this appeal, which is more exhausting than Potato was on discord when he was drunk. Who knows though, maybe he won't make another ban appeal in a month when this gets shot down... lol.

go watch a movie. go read a book. go outside and live a good, nice life fellas.

unban him or don't it's giving me good study break material to read through some braindead stuff
@Ryan722 start deleting some of this dumb shit please this thread shouldn't be four pages long...

edit: thanks ryan im dumb
[Image: 76561198079899620.png]
Dad Joke Connoisseur
Vinyl & Blu-Ray Collector Man 
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You gotta start somewhere. While it's not the best apology ever, I'm glad to know you are working on your drinking problem.
[Image: bH0KCfU.jpg]
(08-18-2024, 01:55 PM)Super Milk Chan Wrote: literally everyone is owed respect. Untill it gets taking away.
Actually no, nobody "owes" anyone respect. Respect is supposed to be earned and anyone can have their own opinion on what someone does to earn their respect which potato has ultimately failed to provide in his time in the community by being a shitty person in my opinion. I think anyone who goes out of their way to target a queer person with homophobic slurs loses any amount of respect they could've garnered, even if they were a fucking Medal of Honor Awarded Nobel Peace Prize winning humanitarian their whole life up until that point. I am also in agreeance that the "apology" is hollow, I don't think potato sees his actions as wrong and I don't think anyone who doesn't see their actions as wrong when going for an unban appeal for the things he has done, should be allowed back into the place where they got banned from.
(08-18-2024, 02:30 PM)Damien1579 Wrote:
(08-18-2024, 01:55 PM)Super Milk Chan Wrote: literally everyone is owed respect. Untill it gets taking away.
Actually no, nobody "owes" anyone respect. Respect is supposed to be earned and anyone can have their own opinion on what someone does to earn their respect which potato has ultimately failed to provide in his time in the community by being a shitty person in my opinion. I think anyone who goes out of their way to target a queer person with homophobic slurs loses any amount of respect they could've garnered, even if they were a fucking Medal of Honor Awarded Nobel Peace Prize winning humanitarian their whole life up until that point. I am also in agreeance that the "apology" is hollow, I don't think potato sees his actions as wrong and I don't think anyone who doesn't see their actions as wrong when going for an unban appeal for the things he has done, should be allowed back into the place where they got banned from.

Without giving people respect to start with you literally cannot have the human race. You need that shit so you don't beat that other person in your tribe other the head with a rock because he entered your field of vision for the 1st time. what a bad 60s movie take on such an ancient concept.
[Image: Qbf9TxW.jpeg]
(08-18-2024, 02:43 PM)Super Milk Chan Wrote: Without giving people respect to start with you literally cannot have the human race. You need that shit so you don't beat that other person in your tribe other the head with a rock because he entered your field of vision for the 1st time. what a bad 60s movie take on such an ancient concept.
if nobody gave him respect from the start why would he have gotten any kind of staff rank? Why should someone be given more things in their life for free when they have gotten everything he could've wanted because of the privilege they have? Nobody even had a lick of disrespect for potato aside from ph trolls ofc before he started slurring and spouting the "I'm rich" bs. You don't stumble into slur usage because you're drunk or because you had a rough time serving for the military, you don't just "accidentally" slur, it's more than likely going to be in your vocabulary before you're inebriated and spouting homophobic nonsense doesn't just happen, and shouldn't be allowed to be called a mistake in any context. 

I think a much better apology potato could've provided might've turn some peoples opinions the other way, an apology where actual fault is admitted not this "Woe is me, I was in the military and had a rough life and I harassed someone accidentally because of the rough life I've had but I'm also gonna say that isn't the reason why" Quit downplaying what you did for the love of god, this isn't fucking grade school where you can lie to teachers about the situation you're in trouble for because you're 9, this is the internet where any amount of honesty is worth more than 1000 words of yapping.
(08-18-2024, 03:03 PM)Damien1579 Wrote:
(08-18-2024, 02:43 PM)Super Milk Chan Wrote: Without giving people respect to start with you literally cannot have the human race. You need that shit so you don't beat that other person in your tribe other the head with a rock because he entered your field of vision for the 1st time. what a bad 60s movie take on such an ancient concept.
if nobody gave him respect from the start why would he have gotten any kind of staff rank? Why should someone be given more things in their life for free when they have gotten everything he could've wanted because of the privilege they have? Nobody even had a lick of disrespect for potato aside from ph trolls ofc before he started slurring and spouting the "I'm rich" bs. You don't stumble into slur usage because you're drunk or because you had a rough time serving for the military, you don't just "accidentally" slur, it's more than likely going to be in your vocabulary before you're inebriated and spouting homophobic nonsense doesn't just happen, and shouldn't be allowed to be called a mistake in any context. 

I think a much better apology potato could've provided might've turn some peoples opinions the other way, an apology where actual fault is admitted not this "Woe is me, I was in the military and had a rough life and I harassed someone accidentally because of the rough life I've had but I'm also gonna say that isn't the reason why" Quit downplaying what you did for the love of god, this isn't fucking grade school where you can lie to teachers about the situation you're in trouble for because you're 9, this is the internet where any amount of honesty is worth more than 1000 words of yapping.

Because you're not paying attention to the root of the problem. He worded something poorly after something happen to him. people obviously at face value got upset, witch is fine. But people who know instead of calming things down jumped on the hate wagon, how the fuck would you feel after that? confused? don't know how to deal with situation?  that is exactly what happen. It was poorly handled from the start and he has handled it poorly since then, saying and doing stupid shit since then. This is like if someone blows up a dam and water destroyed homes, so every one gets mad and stops drinking it. Completely ignoring how it started. It's not hard to forgive pepoel in this situation to a degree of course.
[Image: Qbf9TxW.jpeg]

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