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An Apology
(08-18-2024, 03:03 PM)Damien1579 Wrote:
(08-18-2024, 02:43 PM)Super Milk Chan Wrote: Without giving people respect to start with you literally cannot have the human race. You need that shit so you don't beat that other person in your tribe other the head with a rock because he entered your field of vision for the 1st time. what a bad 60s movie take on such an ancient concept.
if nobody gave him respect from the start why would he have gotten any kind of staff rank? Why should someone be given more things in their life for free when they have gotten everything he could've wanted because of the privilege they have? Nobody even had a lick of disrespect for potato aside from ph trolls ofc before he started slurring and spouting the "I'm rich" bs. You don't stumble into slur usage because you're drunk or because you had a rough time serving for the military, you don't just "accidentally" slur, it's more than likely going to be in your vocabulary before you're inebriated and spouting homophobic nonsense doesn't just happen, and shouldn't be allowed to be called a mistake in any context. 

I think a much better apology potato could've provided might've turn some peoples opinions the other way, an apology where actual fault is admitted not this "Woe is me, I was in the military and had a rough life and I harassed someone accidentally because of the rough life I've had but I'm also gonna say that isn't the reason why" Quit downplaying what you did for the love of god, this isn't fucking grade school where you can lie to teachers about the situation you're in trouble for because you're 9, this is the internet where any amount of honesty is worth more than 1000 words of yapping.
That's enough tbh. State your opinion on the matter and leave it as that. Christ. 

Thank you for your opinion and have a nice day :)
Can we prevent certain people from posting on these threads after a certain point? No disrespect, but a certain member's fourth-grade reading comprehension is literally halting all actual conversation around the topic and only serving to delay a resolution. I'd like to see potato actually engage with the points we levied instead of this. (/civil)
(08-18-2024, 12:37 PM)Super Milk Chan Wrote: To many of you all are special head cases. The dude risked his life in other countries in service to you all to afford a slightly nicer seat, this comming after someone tried to rob him at gun point in his car, it's only natural he would want to avoid trouble after that. To think this is comming from people who would interact with him on a daily basis as well, dose someone need to teach you all what 2+2 is again? Show some god dam respect as if you mother fuckers don't have problems that could be picked apart by people who know you better, with the root of the problem comming for shit far less life-threatening if anything at all. Grow up, what a ignorant thing to say to someone trying to be nice.

Potato you become rather unpleasant when drunk, don't listen to others when they say shit like "we like drunk staff" it's just people who want others to have self destructive behaviour so they can feel better for themselves. If you do come back it should be on the condition that Don’t drink yourself into the ground again, even if you don't happen to do anything wrong when drunk even just the once or you go back into the time out corner. It's a problem my guy, it's time to give that shit up.
Thank you Milk. I have pretty much cut all drinking out of my life. This weekend I have only had 2 drinks. It used to be 12-16 a night. I have moved on from choosing to destroy my body and bridges. A couple here and there on a rare occasion is fine, but getting plastered with 12-16 is a problem. I'm glad I've sorted that out with some help from a few friends and outside sources. 

Also, hope you're doing good man! :)
(08-18-2024, 03:36 PM)Harmless_Potato Wrote:
(08-18-2024, 12:37 PM)Super Milk Chan Wrote: To many of you all are special head cases. The dude risked his life in other countries in service to you all to afford a slightly nicer seat, this comming after someone tried to rob him at gun point in his car, it's only natural he would want to avoid trouble after that. To think this is comming from people who would interact with him on a daily basis as well, dose someone need to teach you all what 2+2 is again? Show some god dam respect as if you mother fuckers don't have problems that could be picked apart by people who know you better, with the root of the problem comming for shit far less life-threatening if anything at all. Grow up, what a ignorant thing to say to someone trying to be nice.

Potato you become rather unpleasant when drunk, don't listen to others when they say shit like "we like drunk staff" it's just people who want others to have self destructive behaviour so they can feel better for themselves. If you do come back it should be on the condition that Don’t drink yourself into the ground again, even if you don't happen to do anything wrong when drunk even just the once or you go back into the time out corner. It's a problem my guy, it's time to give that shit up.
Thank you Milk. I have pretty much cut all drinking out of my life. This weekend I have only had 2 drinks. It used to be 12-16 a night. I have moved on from choosing to destroy my body and bridges. A couple here and there on a rare occasion is fine, but getting plastered with 12-16 is a problem. I'm glad I've sorted that out with some help from a few friends and outside sources. 

Also, hope you're doing good man! :)

That's good to hear, please do your best to keep it that way. It got rather concerning.

I am doing good thank you.
[Image: Qbf9TxW.jpeg]
(08-18-2024, 02:04 PM)BIIG_SAD Wrote: up front.

I don't agree with potato saying a slur to/directed at Tiefling. That was out of pocket, and deserves to be punished. Potato was consequently banned for this behavior.

That being said, Potato has been working on, and maintaining a pattern of not drinking and/or drinking only a little bit.

While it doesn't excuse his behavior (it was reprehensible), that doesn't mean that he can't learn and grow from it. I have interacted with potato in the interim, and he has been working on himself and I think has genuinely changed for the better. It may not reflect in that the community has interacted with him little in the interim, but personal growth often doesn't happen in public. Personally, Potato, if you take the time to read this, I am genuinely happy that you are in therapy and are cutting back on alcohol. This is just good overall for you, perhaps.

To everyone else, personally I would say, give him a chance. We have legitimately given others in the community with much worse track records easier times than potato is getting here.
we can't undo something bad that we did yesterday; that is yesterday. But we can learn from it, and improve today and tomorrow.

If he does it again, simply re-ban him.
+/- 0 because I am biased, and thus any vote from me is biased. I would much rather that he be unbanned, but I can also understand how this could be frustrating for some people.
There is no excuse at all tbh. It's been 2.5 months at this point. I have changed for the better. I do regret saying stuff, it was an action without thought. Do I wish I could go back and not do what I did? Absolutely. But the past is the past, we cannot change it. The only thing you can change, is the future.

Thank you SAD :)
(08-18-2024, 03:30 PM)Harmless_Potato Wrote: That's enough tbh. State your opinion on the matter and leave it as that. Christ. 

Thank you for your opinion and have a nice day :)
I did state my opinion, I just think it's a little silly to have this entitled attitude about it when you have shown you don't care about what you said. You only care about the consequences and that's why you made that fucking empty apology. I also think it's silly to say that you used the "wrong wordage" when you literally harassed someone with a slur? I feel like harassing someone with the slur multiple times is fucking ridiculous to call anything but what it is, and I lose any respect for anyone who downplays it as such. I think the root of the issue is that people aren't realizing that you can have empathy for someone while also hoping the consequences of their actions play out, which they are. I hope you curb your drinking habit, as someone who has watched family members drink themselves to their literal grave it's honestly nice to see people actually talk about their drinking problem and how they're trying to be rid of it. I also think that empathy should go both ways and you should've educated yourself better on societal norms, it isn't normal to brag in a public discord server that you get corsair products for free or to brag about not cooking for yourself and eating at restaurants every night. It isn't normal to harass someone who is queer with a homophobic slur and it isn't normal to say that high ticket prices are good because it keeps out poor people. I respect a rich person who actually reads the room and understands that they shouldn't be bragging about most things because they've had it easy much more than a rich person who flaunts their wealth like it's an achievable lifestyle for most people.
holy this is actually stupid asf. potato said some shit, obviously shitty stuff and should be accounted for. appeal doesn’t seem genuine but it’s been a month and people can change. if it’s a repeating behavior just wait till he appeals again and reevaluate his behavior till there’s a clear indication of change. no need to get emotionally charged up and lash out, makes it look like a fucking twitter fight. 

for potato, idrc about your service, it can mean jack compared to your behavior. i’m glad for your service and what you’ve done and been through and it’s definitely something that is hard. all i care for is if you changed. i can only take your appeal with a grain of salt but, id say give it a little bit of time. you look like you’re changing, but slowly.

edit: tbh i wouldn’t even bother with the community considering how shitty it’s been
This appeal got off topic in a weird way. Idk why the fundamentals of when respect is due is being debated. it shouldn’t really batter, to be completely honest. It doesn’t matter if Potato has your respect or a lack of it, everyone should be conducting themselves in a respectful manner. Those things are mutually exclusive.

I also don’t think prior military service or being a victim of violent crime can excuse the actions he took. I do think the violent crime thing does add a perspective to some of the “poor people” comments he’s made, especially having talked to him about what he really means when he says those words.
Edit: The above is in response to some of the posts on this appeal and not a response to potato.

Knowing this, I don’t think the “poor people” comments are the biggest issue, but I would definitely like to see them completely cut out (not just limited) should the appeal be accepted. Saying “I hate poor people” as a blanket statement is not ok, and you can’t expect people to read your mind and understand the specific meaning or sentiment behind such a broad statement.

For what you’ve said, Potato: I agree with some of what has been said. A lot of it reads like you are sorry that people were offended and not sorry about the actions themselves. For me, the big issue is the targeted slurs at someone who you didn’t like. I don’t think you would have done this while sober, but that doesn’t excuse it. The bigger issue is the fact that you attempted to do this in discord, got blocked by the auto-mod, and then you moved to the forums. This kind of targeted attack needs a direct and specific apology, and not right now. I think you need to wait and reflect for some time and put into your own words your feelings. Understand that it was your actions that were the issue, and not the reactions of others.

Edit: I’ve been typing this in sections throughout the day, so I apologize if some parts flow weird or are hard to follow
Spread Kindness, Not Hate.
Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas.
Did I seriously just read a post claiming that Potato is using his military experience as an excuse? Seriously? Have y'all ever been shot at by an enemy that wants nothing more than you to be dead? How about dealing with the survivors guilt of making it back home alive when some of your buddies didn't? How about some your buddies taking their lives not long afterward because they couldn't cope? How about having to deal with all of that in a comparatively short time. Y'all don't understand what the does to you. Y'all don't understand how your entire personality, psyche, EVERYTHING about you changes. If you seriously think that's an excuse then you need to do your own soul searching because there's something seriously wrong with you too.

I was also in the Army and I have personally vetted Potato's service over the last few years. As I said in my last post, I can also verify his personal progress since the ban occurred and I am so proud of him for that. Those who said he needs a wake up call, trust me he's already had one. I do ask that you at least respect what he's been through and not call it an excuse any longer. To do so is disrespectful not only to him, but to myself and anyone else who put their life on the line for their respective country.

This has been my lightly pissed off soap box. Please don't make it a mega pissed off one.
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If apegang got unbanned...
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