12-14-2024, 04:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-29-2024, 01:57 AM by Rox5tar01. Edited 1 time in total.)
Ingame Name: Rox5tar01
Other: Upon being promoted to Trusted, I plan to do the following.
- Rename Premium Points to Dinkle-Dollars
- Ping Stinkleburg until he adds a hatsune miku skin
- End Discrimination towards Guests
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:219519159
Discord Tag: Rox5tar01
Time Played: 136 Hrs.
When First Joined: August 14th, 2017. However, I've become a LOT more involved in the Dinkleberg community over the last few months.
Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): CST Timezone, but I work on-call so my schedule is always Topsy Turvy.
Rank Desired: Trusted
Current Rank: Regular/Donor
What can you do to help the community: I often find myself online in off-times of the server. Usually, these are times when no Trusted or above players are online. Because of that, there are plenty of times when a dirty stinky meany poopy head will join who like to do everything in their power to stop people from enjoying TTT, either by mass/repeated RDM or just generally ruining the fun of TTT for others. I can't stop every bad apple who joins Dinks TTT from being a dirty stinky meany poopy head, but I can do what I can to make Dinks a better server for all.
Why you want to help the community: Well, I personally hate seeing a dirty stinky meany poopy head ruining everyone's fun, and while !ttthelp does help sometimes, there isn't always someone available to answer the call of duty. So, it's just a case of "being the change you wanna see in the world".
Have you been previously banned, or do you have active warn points? (Link Relevant Posts): No, I have never been warned/banned.
Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): https://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/site/sho...?tid=19922 (Trusted Denied. Application is mostly gonna be the same as that, but changing a few things here and there as needed.)
How did you find us?: I believe back when I originally joined (2017) it was just a case of idly browsing the server browsers. I eventually stopped playing GMod (I'd occasionally hop on but it was pretty inconsistent), but came back after many many years. Saw Dinklebergs TTT in my server history list, and saw that the server wasn't filled with dirty stinky meany poopy heads. I grew fond of the community, and many months later here we are today.
Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread): Yes, I filled them out during my last application. If I need to re-send them, please let me know.
Other: Upon being promoted to Trusted, I plan to do the following.
- Rename Premium Points to Dinkle-Dollars
- Ping Stinkleburg until he adds a hatsune miku skin
- End Discrimination towards Guests