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Unban Appeal
Steam Name: thomash1o1

Steam I.D: 76561198328464123

Who Banned you: [Pink] Krahenhure

Reason for ban: Ghosting

Reason for Admins to unban you: This ban was back in 01/16/2017. At the time I was very young and immature but now that it has been 8 years since i was banned lol, I believe I deserve a second chance to come back and play again on this awesome server.  Shy
Steam ID they would be looking for is STEAM_0:1:184099197

+1 for unban the ban is nearly 8 years old.
[Image: 64017c939475b62a042ca559d80eb3fc-png.jpg]

Important Memes                                                Make sure to make the day.                       
Matt is Matt
Monke Resign 
Staffing in 2021 
Fish Fun
Travis Army
-1 needs a few more years

(sarcasm, +1 unban. Return to us brother)
-1 keep him outta here! PH is as dead as his hopes of getting unbanned!!!
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Hi everyone.

the PH staff team is discussing this application.
(spoilers, it sounds positive).

I'll get back to yall as soon as we reach concensus.

hopefully I'll be back with good news.
Incepimus, Nunc et semper.
This means that "we begin, now and forever", and translates as "always we begin again"
What this actually means is that we should always strive to better ourselves, because tomorrow is a new day.
I hope you take it to heart. Remember, an improvement, no matter how small, is improvement.

Hi everyone.

As the voting currently stand, the majority vote is "Yea". as such, you will be unbanned as soon as I can get around to it.

that being said, if you do reoffend, punishment will be swift, and you will return to being permanently banned.

Buut, I dont think that will be too likely, so hopefully, I will see you on the server in the future.

best wishes.

web staff please close me
Incepimus, Nunc et semper.
This means that "we begin, now and forever", and translates as "always we begin again"
What this actually means is that we should always strive to better ourselves, because tomorrow is a new day.
I hope you take it to heart. Remember, an improvement, no matter how small, is improvement.


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