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Trusted TeaSpoon
Ingame Name: TeaSpoon

Discord Tag: teaspoon_offline

Time Played: 132hrs

When First Joined: According to gametracker, October 24, 2015. But I don't remember that. I started playing on Dink's consistently around late November.

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): I tend to play Sunday-Thursday around 7pm-1am CST.

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Donor

What can you do to help the community: I am often online when there is no staff around. If there is staff around while I'm playing, it's usually BGgamez, Cryptic Salsa, Chibill, Virunas, and Soft Speckled Squirmer, so shout-out to these people for being active staff. However, they're not always around and I have experienced instances while playing of people coming into our server and RDMing while spewing hate-speech and it really just ruins the fun. When there is no staff to deter this behavior, people usually just leave the server and go do something else. I want to be able to do something about this, hence this application. I have moderated and administrated TTT servers in the past and it never really got in the way of my fun, while it did help everyone around enjoy the game more knowing RDM and hate-speech will not be without consequence.
Why you want to help the community: TTT is a fun game with a diverse community. Dinkleberg's TTT has a really great community, and I have enjoyed my time playing with these people. However, TTT is a dying game, and there are few consistently active servers. I recently found this server randomly, and many others do too, every day. Not everyone is as pleasant as me, and many people join our server with no intent to follow the rules. They RDM and spew hate-speech and generally make the game unenjoyable. I want to be able to do something in these scenarios when no-one else is around. I want our players to know that someone can do something to keep the game fun when people come in intending to make it unfun. There's not really other servers like Dinklebergs around any more. My old server died, and this is the only one around that captures that energy. I want to see it continue. I would like to help out.
Have you been previously banned, or do you have active warn points? (Link Relevant Posts): I have zero warn-points.

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): No.

How did you find us?: In-game server browser.

Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread): I believe so. I have been around long enough and have prior experience moderating TTT servers. The server isn't around anymore and a lot of those players have moved on with their lives, but I would probably find someone to vouch for me. Jags4theWin was on that old server with me.

Other: imagine me doing a lil dance
They killed me after I RDM'd Kaptain. +1 for trusted.
Restored, Auto-Denied Due to Self Removal, Moved To Archive, Re-Apply minimum date: 7th of Feb 2025
Kaptain Les
PH Co-Owner
Discord Admin
DR Player (RIP)
Murder Hater

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.