unban request
ingame name: igor
steam id: 76561198963684854
who banned me: cardio
reason for ban: supposed mass rdm
lenght of ban: forever
reason for admins to unban: Hello there, what happened is that on Monday I had a medical appointment and while I was organizing myself I was playing on the ttt server, I was afk for about 10 minutes and then I left the game, when I returned I was banned forever and the truth is I don't see a justified reason for this, I admit that I rarely did rdm but it was because I was learning to play ttt and I killed out of fear but it is not something I do massively as the ban says, please let me return to the server, I really like playing your ttt server and it would be a shame not to be able to log in again, sorry for the inconvenience and happy afternoon Heart
First of all, you need your steamid 32 not your 64. Your steamid is STEAM_0:0:501709563.

Second of all:
Quote:what happened is that on Monday I had a medical appointment and while I was organizing myself I was playing on the ttt server, I was afk for about 10 minutes and then I left the game, when I returned I was banned forever and the truth is I don't see a justified reason for this
I really doubt that cardio would unjustly ban you.

Third and finally:
Quote:I admit that I rarely did rdm but it was because I was learning to play ttt and I killed out of fear but it is not something I do massively as the ban says
Mass rdm means you rdmed at least 3 people in 1 round and they all (probably) kept their reports on you, not that you rdmed some times over multiple rounds

Overall I'm -1 unless either A: Evidence shows it was an unjust ban. or B: Just admit to it and promise it'll never happen again.

merry christmas btw
This was evidence provided by BG for the ban. 

I've played with you quite a few times, and while I can't provide any specific examples off the top of my head (im tired, christmas exhausting), I know that I've been RDM'd by you multiple times (relatively recently, might I add). Saying that you "rarely did RDM" is quite an understatement, and considering that you got hit with a mass ban means that this isn't an isolated incident.

I'm not saying that you should never be allowed in Dinks again, but your appeal gives off more of a "why was a banned i didnt do anything" vibe, rather than a "im sorry i did what i did to the point where it was enough of an issue to cause me to recieve a ban".

Take a bit to reflect and learn, and maybe I'd support an appeal in the future. Until then, it's a -1 from me. Sorry m8.

Edit: I was one of the victims in that RDM spree that Chillbill posted. You were just shooting people from the tower with no rhyme or reason.
It's a mass RDM, just admit it next time and people would at least consider a reduction
-1 unban or reduction for lying and wasting everyones time
[Image: QrOFTLS.jpeg]
RDM'd two staff members. +1
RDM'd a non-staff member. -2

Net -1
you know what you did
[Image: cYQlQ4a.gif]
Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
Join our discord: discord.gg/dinks
+1 guys he had a medical appointment you dont get it whenever im rdming its when i have a medical appointment too you guys just wouldn't understand /s
[Image: ElF1wvm.png]
[Image: Ou4SQyk.jpeg]
I just wanted everyone to know I read this unban request before bed and I had a dream about this guy getting banned for like 2 hours
he took down the dinkleberg institution and saved gmod forever on minecraft b5
Appeal denied. Reappeal date is 2/8/2025 (maybe dont just lie through the appeal next time).
I have no genuine regrets. You lot can go fuck yourselves, I'm done being treated like a piece of shit in your servers. Every day I'm on it's 1rdm after the other and then I'm called every slur and name in the fucking book. Tell the others to go fucking die in a fire cause I am fucking over it. And when I try to do something about it, I'm the "staff abuser". nah go fuck yourselves

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