Banned for a day
Ingame Name: jonifun92

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56366450

Who Banned You: KaptainLes

Reason For Ban: 8 point thresehold reached

Length of Ban: 1 day

Reason for Admins to Unban:
I was banned for a day. This was about 13 hours ago. We were having fun and I made a honest mistake. I asked a question because I was actually wondering.
What is the difference between a admin and a moderator?
And the in voice chat a guy said "An admin likes men" so i answered "Does that mean the mods like children?" 
Wich I thought was funny at the time, and many people in the lobby laughed. 
Kaptainles was the one that banned me. I get that it was not a joke to make, and it was not why I asked the question in the first place. We were just having fun. I feel like I should have had an oportunity to defend myself after and I generally thought that Kaptainles was messing with me in chat when I saw that i was gagged almost the second after I said that. I never had any registered trouble beforte on this server as I know, and when we are having fun, sometimes things get a little out of hand. I think that Kaptainles as a mod, should be able to see such things.
I understand if this is a lost cause, and it is only for a day. I just feel like a person that has played the server for many hours with no registered bans or other misbehavior acts should at least be able to defend themselves before a ban. When it's not mass rdm or other ways of destroying gameplay for others. 
Sincerly jonifun92

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): No

Other: We are on the internet, most of us grown up people. Rules are rules, but I would have appreciated a heads up or a warning. Gagged for a map and a couple of slays no problem. If it was a reoccurring thing with me I would understand a ban a 100%. And if it was my first day coming on the server etc.
I am sorry.
Here, fixed your thing below. Follow the format plsty. Also getting just a day ban for making jokes of that nature is pretty lucky, you'll be unbanned in about 10 hours it looks like, just ride it out.

Ingame Name: jonifun92

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56366450

Who Banned You: KaptainLes

Reason For Ban: 8 point thresehold reached

Length of Ban: 1 day

Reason for Admins to Unban: >Insert all that yap you just yapped here<

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): No

Other: >maybe some of it here<
[Image: ElF1wvm.png]
[Image: Ou4SQyk.jpeg]
@bunniey Thanks, I will edit

@bunniey I edited now, sorry for not using format.
Do you find it in your hearth to maybe make another approach on my request now? "Hopeful smiley"
Hey, listen - context matters here, of course. 

To the best of my knowledge, the punishment for those kinds of jokes is intentionally very harsh. It's a useful deterrent for that kind of behavior on one hand, and it also greatly limits the tolerance granted to people who make those jokes or remarks in bad faith. 

That being said, I think it was a good idea to make this thread to give context to the ban so people don't have to make assumptions when they see that you were warned for "jokes about pedophilia" (or whatever the official verbiage is). 

I think serving the remainder of the ban makes sense here (you'll literally be able to hop back on later tonight). The warn points will just serve as a silent reminder to be careful about potentially obscene or overly offensive jokes, and maybe give you some motivation to take a glance at the rules :)
[Image: 440198-senior-thumbs-up-cool-man.jpg]
@Im A Bald Eagle You are right. Even if I think being able to separate an actual troll/bully or game destroyer and some guys having a good laugh is something a professional mod should be able to do :P I will be back later and I have learned something
joke was funny and wasnt aimed at anyone specifically. i would have personally given a verbal. however, staff discretion is kind of a thing of the past and the motd is treated as the bible for the most part. free joni the people love you
@Icey I guess the term "if he can do it, I can do it" also can occur in the future, so it's probably for the best that I just ride out the ban. Anyway, thanks for the kind words :D
Hey admin team got together and decided to deny this unban request. You did break the rule and it is just a few more hours to wait out the day ban.
I have no genuine regrets. You lot can go fuck yourselves, I'm done being treated like a piece of shit in your servers. Every day I'm on it's 1rdm after the other and then I'm called every slur and name in the fucking book. Tell the others to go fucking die in a fire cause I am fucking over it. And when I try to do something about it, I'm the "staff abuser". nah go fuck yourselves

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