12-09-2017, 11:31 PM
I just decided to hop back on gmod just to play casually like i used to. Dinks so far has everything that I enjoy from a server. I previously staffed on 2 previous servers and I am very knowledgeable on the game TTT. I have been working far more thus I haven't had time to just sit down and play gmod. I also upgraded my computer and wanted to actually push my rig a bit. I met some guys from dinks when they were hanging out at my old server. I must say i am much more refreashed and happier then when i stopped playing gmod. I hope that this community is a warm one. I got burnt out by overplaying and the toxicity of one of the servers i had played on. I had been looking for pick up and play games. Sorry if this became a ramble. Thus far i love you all.