Hillrops Ban Appeal
Ingame Name: Hillrop

Steamid: STEAM_1:0:72034023

Who Banned You: Foxka

Reason For Ban: Ban Evasion/Trolling/Lying to Mods/ insulting the staff

Length of Ban: Perma

Reason for Mods to Unban: This is gonna be an essay so buckle up buckeroos.

      My username is Hillrop and I have been playing on this server since September of 2016 and I was recently banned from Dinklebergs TTT permanently. I want to clear things up, I want to to explain why I should be unbanned/ban reduced, and why I was banned in the first place.

Lets start out with the timeline. So a couple of weeks back I made a deal with Foxka that I would stop saying gamer if foxka could get my map, TTT_gamerpark into rotation (fig 1). The deal was that if I said gamer I would get week/month/perma banned but I would get a warning before a ban happened (this will be important later). So for a week or so I did well i didnt say gamer at all on the server. Then in a report i responded to it with Thanks Gamer (Fig2). The mod on at the time, EveryJuan saw the report response I made and screencapped and talked to an admin to get approval on the ban. The admin (i believe was Dakota, don't quote me on that tho)approved the ban (Fig3). I didn't realize I was banned till the following day after which I made a ban appeal (link). Back and forth ensued between me and Everyjuan over whether or not I should have gotten a warning at all. Everyjuan stated that he was not told hillrop should get a warning. I claimed because I got no warning the ban was illegitimate. After this back and forth continues I get a message from Dinkleberg asking if I was still banned. I responded yes to this question and he promised to unban me . Ultimately the unbans weren't working out ((fig4 still unsure as to why). I hopped on an alt since Dink had tried to unban me and it hadn't worked so I assumed it was fine to hop on an alt. I was unbanned by Foxka today and then quickly permabanned for what I have already stated above.
Before I try and defend myself in this part I just want to say that I am not blaming the staff for anything that happened as they were just doing their jobs. The way I treated them was terrible and I was an asshole. Just because I am frustrated does not give me the right to harass members of this community. I am sorry. For the next part let's talk about the reasons why I was banned and why some are justified and others aren't. First off is Ban evasion which is justified in a sense as I was ban evading. Let me just explain why I hopped on my alt. I got on my alt because dinkleberg had already tried to unban me from the server. So I saw that as if my ban was over (Dinkleberg himself said the ban was ridiculous) so I hopped on another account because my main wasn’t able to join due to unbanning bug. Im not trying to saying I wasn't ban evading I am just trying to explain my thought process. The next one is Trolling which I see why I was banned for that. My entire schtick is being a troll though like nopleez but its still confusing why it was added. The next one is Lying to staff which is to my understanding isnt true. To clear up my confusion I spoke with one of the admins who told me it was because I lied to staff as I didn't provide screenshots of the conversations with dinkleberg when asked. Even though I sent a screenshot of the convo to Everyjuan this morning (fig5). I didn't send the screenshots in chat because I had already sent them to Everyjuan and didn't think it was necessary for #general to see them.  Although i did eventually post them in the chat. The next point Insulting the Staff in my eyes is completely justified.
Now for why I should be unbanned. I know I can be really annoying sometimes but a lot of people on the server really like me as evidenced by the people upset with my ban. I love this server a helluva of a lot to an unhealthy degree. I made an entire map for it. I enjoy playing on the server and playing with the people on the server. If we take a step back we will realize this all started because I said gamer which is absurd. I'm not asking for a full unban here because that's unreasonable based on how i've acted. But the ban could be reduced from a perma back to its original ban that would be amazing. Again I apologize and thanks for reading all of this.

Fig 1
[Image: 9a9c812d7b.png]
fig 2
[Image: image.png]
fig 3
[Image: lw7iY3m.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
fig 4
[Image: image.png]
[Image: image.png]
Screenshot below provided by Gabe
[Image: image.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): 
Other: Im sorry
Edit: I forgot to say that I handled this is as a joke when I first made a ban appeal.
Edit2: I do NOT support any of the people who come on the discord and attack the staff. I have not told of any of these people to do this and they are acting on their own volition.
My Maps
been here since September 2016
+1 to an unban or reduce, i accept that the terms and conditions of what is, and he did ban evade and do other stuff, but this whole thing is pretty dumb in the first place, but i understand if the ban stays.
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I'm really new so I'm not sure if my thoughts on this will matter, but from when I have been on I notice Hillrop being a decent part of the community, a lot of the players seem to enjoy him and he tends to brighten the mood of the server whenever he's on. If he wouldn't be unbanned I think it would at least be fair to shorten it, (keeping the things like the trolling and disrespect), but eventually let him join back as I stated above I feel he really brightens and makes playing more enjoyable.
His ban should be reduced, but not removed outright.

Looking back at the original ban, it seems like Hillrop should not have been banned in the first place. The original thread was very confusing as to whether it was a legitimate ban or not. The reason for the ban seemed to be a joke between members of staff and Hillrop.

While I don't think Hillrop should have been banned in the first place, I also think the actions he took after creating the thread were uncalled for. Bypassing the ban using alt accounts to play on the server is looked down upon. He also seemed to have spammed the discord and disrespected staff.

When he chose to bypass the ban using an alt account, I don't believe he had any malicious intent. He genuinely enjoys playing on the server and involving himself within the community. He even created a TTT map with the sole purpose of having it added to the map rotation of this server.

Hillrop has been very active on the server for about two months now and it seems most of the community enjoys playing with him. His antics can be extreme at times but I believe this ban could be a lesson learned.

I don't think he should be outright unbanned but it should be reduced. Hillrop has had a large impact on the community and adds a lot of fun to the server.
+1 for reduce he is really srry and the whole thing is just ridiculous, but the other things he did he admitted so that's why it should only get reduced

Edit: What nopleez said he really loves this server
Just unban him, I don't think you guys understand how ridiculous this ban is. Litterally banned permanently for saying "gamer". This looks very unprofessional for new players and is giving a bad reputation for the server. Just remove the map and unban him, or keep the map and unban him. It's that simple.
I'm removing the map entirely because it was glitchy as fuck and bugged the server out on multiple occasions.

He was not perma banned for saying the word "gamer". He was banned for like a week for saying it, and I thought that was ridiculous as well, which is why I got on and immediately tried to unban him.

I'm currently discussing with the staff the details of his perma ban.
I didn't like the way you spoke to me and told me to "do my fucking job" and insinuated i had downs syndrome but if the community wants it i'm not going to be the person to push back. +-0
(04-28-2018, 04:24 PM)Everyjuan Wrote: I didn't like the way you spoke to me and told me to "do my fucking job" and insinuated i had downs syndrome but if the community wants it i'm not going to be the person to push back. +-0

I just wanna say that when I used that word I didnt mean to insinuate you had downs syndrome. Ive just heard the word before and the word sounds funny. I didnt know what It actually meant and Im sorry for calling you that.
My Maps
been here since September 2016
I remember saying that 'gasp' in that screenshot too. Thought it was the end of the ban issue.
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